"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Sunday Stealing: I love a Parade

... except that I don't, really... πŸ˜  No, not really.  I like the small town ones where it's only three people deep on the sides of the route, and the floats are home made, and the high school marching band is in it. You know the kind.  
They are like the one that is in the Movie, "Doc Hollywood".  That one, I would go to.

If you haven't seen this, you are in for a treat.  Love this movie...

BUT, This is Sunday Stealing!  So here we GOOOOO

Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. (Past hosts include: Our first - Judd Corizan, Mr. L, Kwizgiver and Bud)  Cheers to all of us thieves!

I don't remember where I found this one, but given that the 4th of July is coming up, I thought this series of questions about parades might be fun.

So Friends, want to join in?  Want to see other Thieves?  Go HERE

I Love a Parade

1. Do you like parades? 
Sometimes. I like the Macy's Parade and the Tournament of Roses Parade to watch on Television.  If it's a small one, I like to go in person.  But I don't go to the Big ones?  

2. Rate the following parade attractions in order of affection:
*. horses; 
*. marching bands 
*. floats;
*. anything that gives away candy:
*. politicians ride in cars? 
*. antique cars/tractors;
*. fire trucks;
Marching bands! 
Fire Trucks!, 
Antique Cars/Tractors!
Anything that gives away candy! 
Politicians riding in cars.  πŸ˜›  πŸ˜›  πŸ˜›  πŸ˜›

3. Have you ever been in a parade?
I don't think so.  Maybe when I was a baby?

4. Do you bring lawn chairs to parades? 
Most events that are outdoors we will take a blanket and short lawn chairs to.  Cooler, etc., etc. 

5. Does it bother you to have to park a long way from the parade, and then walk back to the car afterwards?
Yes and thus the answer to question #1.  

6. Do you wave at people you know? 
Oh, Heck yes.

7. At people you don't know?
Oh, Heck yes.

8. Do you take pets -dogs particularly - to parades? 
Oh Hell no.. 

9 Have you ever been to a big parade in person (Rose Bowl, Macy's, etc)? 
No.  But one year we were going to go to the rose parade.  However, after some thought, we changed our minds.   The temptation was that my sister had a boon pal who had a house on the route of the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena.  She had offered to let us sit on her lawn.  

10. Do you attend more warm weather or cold weather parades? 
If I ever actually WENT to a parade, you can bet it would be a warm weather one.  


  1. I think if I went to a parade and had to sit/stand there for any length of time, I would prefer a cooler weather parade.

    1. The more I think of it, the more I see that you are right. I think it would be fun to go to the outdoor concerts that are held in the evenings, but no parades.. no no no....

  2. One day somebody will explain parades to me. Such an American thing. Good answers.

    1. Thanks Pandora, both for you comment and for being such a good sport about answering the questions no matter what. Hugs and Happiness!

  3. Oh, I would have gone to Rose Parade! My mom got to see it when she was a little girl and her father was in California for work. It was the 1940s so I'm guessing it was much less of an ordeal. I just imagine the floats to be so much more spectacular than they are on TV. I love that they are made out of plant/flower parts.

    1. Oh, yes, the 40's were much less of an ordeal. We were not yet in the war then, too, and a LOT less people were here.
      The floats are best seen on television because you really do see them at their best from the Screen. Especially now with HDTV and big screens.

  4. I'm not really a fan of parades. Maybe a big one, like Macy's would be fun to go to but the rinky dink ones around here are just painful.

    1. I liked the idea of the smaller ones at harvest time, but I've only seen them in the movies or documentaries of folk musicians. Now, I'm just past it physically to be able to stand or sit, for that matter, for long periods of time. The last event we went to with fireworks was not a parade but a show for New Year's put on by the Sycuan Indians an age and a half ago. That was the end of it for me. lol

  5. I've seen enough small town parades to last me the rest of my life. They are fun but I'm over them - and too old to get out there and roam around in the heat.

    1. I read your blog and yes, you have had ENOUGH of that sort of "fun". They are fun, I agree. I'm also too old to get out there anywhere, heat or no, now. But I married a "desert rat" and he still can stand it.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..