"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

 This all will be bare bones until I figure out all the bells and whistles that are not gone from  the blogspot site.  Or maybe just so well hidden that I can't find them...

The questions for this Sunday Stealing, courtesy of Bev,  at this place


The  Questions.  

1. What are your plans for August?  I just plan to get through it.  Hopefully we could go get some fish and chips sometime soon.  

2. Review the first half of 2020 January was OK.  February we both got sick.  March was a blur and April and May.  But June and July weren't too bad.  I was completely recovered but still weak.  I didn't have covid they said, but didn't test me.  In early February, they didn't know Covid was even here....I was a couple of days away from pneumonia though.

3. A place you’d go if money were no object  I'd go to Europe, to tour the whole continent.

4. Who was your childhood best friend Violet.  We were Besties from 2nd grade through 5th.

5. The city or town you love most  I love Santa Cruz California.

6. How do you spend hot days?  In the air-conditioned house.

7. Are you a skilled cook or baker? Yes. 

8. One thing you wish you could currently do. I'd like to be able to skip rope.  If I could do that then I'd be well again like never before! 😎

9. A time when you learned your lesson Thinking...I once let a friend talk me into riding her horse.  I already knew the bad disposition.  I am still hurting from being thrown over his head and into the gravel.  I broke my back.  Not the sort of break that leaves your in a wheel chair, so thank God for that, but the kind that haunts you for the rest of your life.

10, What consistently makes you laugh  Brit coms, and movies like "Burn after Reading".  George Clooney is in that  one, Ms. Kuizgiver. 😄

11. Routines that bring you calm and peace. Thinking about encounters I've had with the world of the paranormal.  "Yes, Virginia, there is a Savior sort of things."  And then also the practice of mindfulness, and spiritual centering.

12. Who annoys you the most? Dead Easy:  The Orange Menace.  

13. Describe some of your favorite household items.  I love the Lazy Boy rocker .  Also I love that I have some wooden spoons from my mother's kitchen.

14. What have you gotten better at? Letting go and letting God.

15. Share a random memory. The time that a local reporter was in Balboa Park and Laura and I were sitting on a blanket.  I'd just finished her hair for ballet class.  I looked up and he was smiling at us and took a picture of us touching our noses together just before she trotted off to class.  

16. How many pairs of shoes do you have? Counting my hiking boots, two pair of dress shoes, and also my Tevas I'd say about 15 pairs.  

17. Who do you go to for encouragement?  My husband.  He keeps me from dispair.  

18. References you make that others don’t get.  Judging from the blank looks (if you can get blank looks on social media) I get here and there, just about anything that dates from before the 50's. 

19. What are 10 things you consider essential for you?  Really, 10 things? no more nor no less?

1. Food

2. Water

3. Family

4. Sun

5. Rain



8.Sewing Machines

9. Kindles - I have two.

10.A garden to grow things in.

20. Is there any accent you wish you had?

 Yes, I would like to have a Scottish Accent, like my great grandmother who was a McCay. Actually, she was called a McCoy in the States.


  1. My grandparents had Scottish accents and sometimes when the mood strikes I can put one on.
    I like Illegitimi non carborundum .. now that's good advice!

    1. You are so Lucky! I was getting sort of good at it while watching "Outlander"
      Glad you like that phrase. It fits into my nuttiness gene requirements. ;o)

  2. Let go and let God is one of my favorite sayings. I think Santa Cruz is nice too though I haven't been there in years. Maybe you should get a Covid antibody test. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Hi Susan.. Your welcome, and you have a great blog!
      And, I probably will be tested soon, as I'm going to have some labs done. I haven't been outside my own yard and house since being sick because I worried about all the neighbors and friends.
      Santa Cruz is suffering congestion like all other beach cities, but it's still very beautiful. I want to live there but houses are far too expensive.

  3. There are so many countries in Europe to visit (5 in the British Isles alone).




    1. Oh? Five? lol.. ok... I'd be all over Britain,and Ireland, and especially Wales, as a big part of my heritage is Welsh, Irish, as well as the dear Scots.
      Austrian and English are from my paternal Grandfather. And yes, I am related to Queen Victoria and Elizabeth, but isn't everyone? heeheehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..