"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Random Questions

 Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Stolen from Kwizgiver

1. What has been your favorite part of the year so far.  This is my second least favorite year, as an adult,  so that's a hard question.   I guess it was Winter, when my daughter and her beau came to visit in February, before everything went pear-shaped and disgusting.  I love seeing the kids. 

2. Have you started Christmas shopping?  No.  I don't give much thought to Christmas anymore.  I doubt whether my family will get together this year at all.  No shared dinners and no shared celebrations.  I'm good with it, if it keeps people safe.

3. Do you like your handwriting? Surprisingly I still have nice hand writing, as it was still taught in school when I was a child, it gets instilled deeply in people of my age.  I got a compliment on my hand writing from a nurse this past year.  So, I guess it's still legible.  I do still enjoy using an ink pen now and again for various writings.  

4. Song you could hear over and over and over again.  I used to have so many songs that I would hear over and over in my head.  I am a singer, you see, and from a very young age.  I sang every day until making a promise not to sing until a certain thing happened.  Well,  for forty years that certain thing didn't happen.  

Iran-Contra totally trashed my little personal inward obsession, and  there is no song left in me.  I take promises seriously.  My singing voice is now completely unreliable, as voices tend to go over the years. 

5. A favorite quote.  "The first hundred years are the hardest"  My friend and neighbor used to say this all the time to explain why things were a never ending string of woes and epic fails. lol  We'd laugh a lot about it.  He's gone now, about ten years or even more, but I can still hear him saying that.

6. Last dream you remember  Can't think of a single dream.  Dreamer's Block?  It was probably a nightmare.  I have to read more Amish fiction!

7. Most expensive object you want to buy right now.  I'd really like to get an Insta-Pot.  But I'd also really like my own little car. 

8. Describe your eldest family member.  He's funny, and likes to laugh.  He tends to be, sadly, extremely bigoted.  I think it's a product of his upbringing that he's not been able to cast off.  The years have not been kind to him physically. But he's still very lovable, over all.  He has a smile that lights up a room.

9. What has your weather been like?  The weather has been hot, dry and extremely dangerous.  We need the early winter rains to start.  The gentle ones.

10. Do you enjoy your job?  I loved my work.  Teacher's Assistant and then Yarn shop clerk,  my favorite jobs. Then I had a little business of doing alterations and seamstress work, after that I started a formal business (chartered?) and sold my crafts at shows.  It was all fun. 

11. What is your favorite everyday item?  I think that honor goes to a Smartypants TV, as well as the fact that we have cable.

12. Are you currently obsessed with any TV show?  Most of what I watch, even in Reruns, comes from KPBS, our local public broadcasting station.  So, "Mystery", and "Masterpiece Theater".  Well, I wish there were a lot more of "Call the Midwife", so there's that obsession.  That and "Father Brown".

13. Book you’d like to read before the year ends. I'm currently reading four books that I will finish in the next month.  I read part of them each day.

  Rage ,   Greed and Glory on Wall Street,    Superpower Showdown,   and    Wrong Enemy .  

To save my sanity, I'm hoping to read a bit of fluff after these but fluff is hard to find,  for me anyway.   Maybe I'll read a Christmas Amish thinga.  Those are so sweet...

 14. Describe Kindness.  I Ching says, "If Kindness is recognized as your virtue, you have fulfilled your purpose entirely."  I think that means that Kindness, fellow feeling and gentleness, is the Highest of all Virtues.  I would describe Kindness as the Highest Virtue.

15. Describe your favorite candy in great detail.  My favorite candy is chocolate covered cherries,  and my mother loved them, too. They are made this way: 

You start with a jar of stem-on maraschino cherries.  Take them out of their syrup and reserve it for other purposes, and let the cherries dry off over night.  The next day make a recipe of vanilla fondant, when it's cool thoroughly, wrap each cherry in a ball of it.  Then dip each one in melted, tempered chocolate and set them to dry on a foil lined tray.  Try not to eat them all within the hour. 

PS:  Don't believe everything you read about these cherries.  I cannot understand the things people will put up on the Web.  Good God in the Morning!  

 And if you'd like to see other posts, go HERE  

Picasa no longer will work for photos so that's gone, sorry..


  1. Get the Instant Pot (I recommend the original, not some other brand), and get the car. Instant Pots have gone down in price. I’ve seen them for $59. I paid more than double for my 8 qt awhile after they came out. It’s super convenient. Especially if you forgot to take meat out to thaw. It cooks frozen food to perfectly cooked in a ridiculously short amount of time.

    1. Oh goodie! I am getting myself an insta-pot. I think hubby will have to adjust. The little car πŸš— πŸš™ is going to take some time. πŸ’ͺ🏻 πŸ˜‰ You’ve cheered me up. πŸ₯°πŸ™πŸΌ❤️

  2. That would be nice to work in a Knit shop. I like to craft too. I am knitting a fall colored scarf right now.

    1. Oh this is so sweet! Another knitter. Best wishes on your knitting.
      And yes, it was a great experience because of co-workers and the customers. This was somewhat spoiled by a mean and autocratic boss who hated anyone else’s happiness and whom everyone was terrified of; she was a real nazi. I think even the customers were afraid of her. πŸ˜‚

  3. I *LOVE* my instapot. Makes the best.grits.ever without all the standing over the pot and whisking nonsense, among a million other really good things. I used a pressure cooker (the old fashioned kind) back in the day quite a bit, but this thing is much handier (and safer).

    1. Ah! My mom used a pressure cooker and so did I. We really had to watch that puppy. I’m going to like having an Insta-pot. Thank you for the feed back. I used to like grits but we never had them as a family. But I did make corn meal mush, cooled it and sliced it for frying. Stirring was important there,too. Cheers.

  4. "when my daughter and her beau came to visit in February" - I haven't heard the word "beau" for donkey's years.




    1. Lol.. You are right, it's an old word!
      I do the crosswords and get a lot of quite arcane words.
      The Kids, as I call them, have been together for about 20 years, and so I do believe they are a committed couple,and, as the parlance goes, he's her Significant other or Partner, the new legal term. Have a great weekend. Cheers

  5. We have an Instant Pot and we use it all of the time.
    My mom loves chocolate covered cherries. Great answers. Have a nice day!


    1. Yay then! Another vote for for the Insta-pot!
      I also love chocolate covered cherries, and I just can't be trusted with them in the house. Gobble Gobble!

  6. I adore chocolate covered cherries. I've never had homemade ones, though, only the ones from the store. I like Cella's the best. I have devoured an entire box in an hour . . . yikes!

    1. Sweet! They are a very old, traditional candy, and stay popular all the time. Oh but are they ever easy to eat up and far too fast! The homemade ones taste divine, fresh and mad making, considering you can, like the lady who reportedly made a birthday cake, ate it all herself, and then made another one for the party. I'll look up that brand! Yumm!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..