"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Sunday Stealing: Covid Questions



 Hi! I'm your host Bev 2 Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This 3 feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal 4 all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise 5 to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and 6 intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Want to see other posts on this topic?  Go HERE

Sorry that some of the Links are gray... I'm working on it!

Taken from Visible Woman

1. Day 1 of serious isolation behavior: I don't usually have this happen to me.  I've got so much to do around here, and I'm always so tired, that it's good enough to me if even 3 things get done off the daily list.  Being old, as I am, it changes my whole level, or maybe direction, of Angst.  My angst meter is influenced by the Antics in Washington DC, particularly of The Mad King Donald. 

2. First trip you had to cancel. It was to Anaheim to bird watch and to visit with a DD.

3. Other trips canceled The one that was a summer trip to Santa Cruz to celebrate Birthdays. And the other was the trip written about below...

4. Last trip out of town before isolation. Didn't have a trip planned for the winter months just before covid19 hit.  So the last trip was to Santa Cruz 2 years ago.  We were going to go Fall of  2019, instead I took a Fall myself and put "Paid" to that trip.

5. Furthest from home since isolation. To the clinic to see my doctor.

6. Last Meal sitting in a restaurant before Isolation. In first week of February, with my daughter and her partner.  He took a picture of us together that I really love.

7. How many books have you read? I'm guessing, slightly here... 20+ or so, some hardbacks, and quite a few e-books

8. First event you didn’t attend due to virus. That would be a family Thanksgiving get together at a SILs.  It's always fun, but alas.

9. Date and event of last over 200-person event. Do you mean, say, like a rock concert?  Ah, I see, by the next question, that isn't what you mean.... 

10. Last live music event.  Years ago, to see Neal Diamond.

11. Things you are eating more of since isolation. Actually I am rapidly losing weight but not feeling like eating enough.  I'm not the cook so I don't get foods I really want very often.  I like pasta. And other noodles. 

 An Actress, I forget right now who,  once said that she had to gain 15 pounds for a role she was asked to do.  She said she told the producer that wasn't a problem, saying, "Hey! I eat two Spaghetti Dinners and I'll be there!"

 12. Things you are eating less of since isolation.  No, I'm actually eating less.

13. What restaurants have you gotten take-out meals from?  OK,  There's Sammy's, Rubio's, Panera, Impossible Burger, and our favorite local pizza place.  

14. Have you found yourself bored in isolation? Trust me, I'm never bored.  If I get bored, I can go sort my quilting fabric, or even the yarn stash. It's that old S.A.B.L.E corollary, you know..

15. Have you gained or lost weight?  I've lost a lot of weight.

16. Do you drink alcohol? Regularly? No. I do always have Champagne at New Year's Eve when the ball in New York drops.  And sometimes when we go out to celebrate a birthday or anniversary, I'll get a Margarita.  Lately I don't. I can get giddy far too quickly and then can barely walk.  Too big a chance to take for breaking a bone.   My drinking days are o.v.e.r.

 17. If so, more or less in isolation? N.A. 

18. What entertainments have you explored?  Movies and that Amazing Baking show - The British one.  I watch lots and lots of mysteries.  I've even started watching the French, German and Norwegian mysteries.  And the Spanish ones, and the Italian ones ..... Everything the BBC has put up at least twice.

19. Gotten into anything new? No, because I have done a small business with a lot of various crafts that people call hobbies, and I'm not at a loss for any new ventures.  And, I'm just too old for hang gliding, which is something that would be wonderful to do.  I'd break a bone or a gland or something just getting that harness on.

20. Have you done crosswords? Board games?  Jigsaw puzzles?  We talked about dragging out the board games but no, we didn't do that.  I want to play Cribbage because it's the only game I win apox 90% of the time.  DH would rather play poker, which I can NEVER WIN.  So, no card games.  I do daily jigsaw puzzles from an online app you can download.  Starts with a K.  We both do daily crosswords from the newspaper. He does three and I do two, sometimes three. Also, I play "Solitaire" and "Free Cell" constantly, as well as "Spider".

21. Have you cleaned out some cabinet, drawer, closet, etc. thoroughly?  Please define "thoroughly".  😂 I clean a drawer "up". But since covid19 hit I've just let them sort of "Marinate".

22. Are you spending about the same amount of money?  We are spending a lot less because of the missed trips and things. 

23. Done Zoom, Facetime, etc. meetups? My daughter wanted to do "Zoom", and so did we, but we all haven't gotten to it yet. 

24. Had a social occasion with a small group of people you consider safe?  No.  Among the people- family- here there are members who don't wear masks, and who go everywhere they want to.  So we don't plan on getting together anymore until this terrible thing is over.

 25. Did you vote? In Person? On Election Day? We did vote.  And we did it the way that California has allowed us to do since we turned 70, by Absentee ballot. 

I once was one of the people who work at the polls, and it's insulting what has happened.  

We, all of us at the polls, put our country and our duty first.  We would never continuance any abridgement of rights or abuse of the ballot.  I feel so sorry for the man that was singled out for a death treat.  That is asinine. And it's actually, if looked at correctly, a criminal offense.



And on that note, I wish you a very sweet Holiday Season!

We can all make snowmen together.  


A yarn place


  1. Seems to me the guy who was threatened is suing. I hope so!

    If Trump had his way with the Texas case, you and I could have had our votes invalidated.

    1. Yes. It’s scary how many voted for him. They really had no clue it seems.
      *narrows eyes*. I never, EVER thought I’d live to see the day we would have a plutocrat madman for a president. Yet, here we are. That man is dangerous.

  2. I’m glad that he is going to sue. What happened is outrageous and dangerous.

  3. As always, enjoyed reading. Hang gliding would be awesome to do at any age, but I understand about being safe and well, especially in today's climate. Though I hope someday you get to experience something like it :)

  4. This has been a really crazy time. I hope you can find some food you want to eat! Take care & happy holidays.

  5. #24 is my husband's family. They have continued to travel during all of this and their Christmas celebration was yesterday. I did not go. Loved your answers! Have a nice day!


  6. Loved reading your answers! Hang gliding? No way! I wouldn't break any bones. I would have heart failure before that happened. LOL! We play a game here called Tripoley, which my mom taught me to play. It involves Poker and Game of Hearts. It's quite fun, just don't have enough people around to play these days! 😊


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..