"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, March 18, 2021

See you in a few....

No more memes for awhile.  Maybe Saturday Nine.  We will see.  


  1. I understand how weary you can get with the toxicity of social media. But know that you're always welcome at Saturday 9. It's a good opportunity to express yourself! And if people who link up feel too hostile or paranoid or dishonest for you, don't visit them. (I don't.) Or feel free to take a break. But know that we'll miss you!

  2. Thank you Gal. Thanks for your kind words and your understanding, and making Blogging fun.

    Right now, like everyone else probably, I've reached some sort of limit in my soul for the toxicity of social media. It's a little like losing one's mind!
    I need to bake bread, to read,knit,and just "be here now" with our agéd little pet. My daughter said it best. "I am only in Instagram to look at the pretty pictures!"

  3. Hey Zippi. I hope your hiatus brings you peace and joy. I know it can be ugly out here in the "not real world" where real people feel free to be as ugly and stupid as they possibly can. There are folks who play the memes whose blogs I don't visit or comment on. Sometimes I read them because it's good to know what others are thinking - and some of them are way out there. The spam controls on blogger are not as good as they were, so that's a problem too. I wish you love, joy, and happiness always.

    1. Thanks so much, Country Dew. It’s been too ugly for so long that I gave up. People who should know better are helping this corrupt, evil “thing” to thrive. Just read an article that floored me. It was about the Tzedek society getting some outrageous crooks pardons from trump.
      We are between a rock and a hard place,between the fascist Christian Right and the Tzedeks, and with both “forcing Armageddon” at any price. This is not good.
      We can still talk on the “pipeline”. But, for I’m now out. How can half the country be ignorant of this?

  4. Hi Zippi! I hope to see you again soon. Take care! Have a nice day!


    1. Thanks so much Lori. Stay sweet. Like another friend said to me once, don’t read the comments. Lol..


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..