"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 23, 2021

Saturday 9: All I Ever Need is You...

Because I won't be blogging for the weekend....First, before the regularly scheduled Saturday 9...... 

An added bonus of Yarn Porn, i.e., the skeins, the burps and the vomit.  It's not Monday, anymore, the day this was created.  And it's back to the knitting..(well, it WAS Monday at the time this next yarny badness was typed in....).

Here 'tis....

A little BTW.....A bit about metadata, the sneak little codes that an iPhone puts on the pictures you take, and then share.  Make sure that they are not going up to any social media that you don't want them on.  There are aps that get rid of them, and you should use them. 

 Yarn snarls, as we knitters know, are time consuming to get rid of.   Prevention is the best CURE... 

Now HERE we see a Total Skein spit up!  This might be a tosser. 

That kind of spit up above requires a lot more patience than I have alone.  My sister and I have teased one of that sort apart in a long, lazy afternoon of tea, cookies, and chit chat....

My latest creation...-> all sorted out... Yay!

Esta terminado

Sis can't help me anymore, so after fussing with the ball left over from the spit up, and a big handful of burped up yarn, and a wonky ball of yarn left over from the accident, it was time to get the winder out and hope for the best.  Thank god there was no blood involved...

First skein, on the right was a lovely gave up a proper little lady like burp, from the first skein. Exhibit A

This skein's mate was a witch, the one on the left and an Evil twin.  After fishing around inside it for a half an hour, a great big wad of yarn came out.  So, I stuck it in an old clean coffee pot, and ..... 

You can see it was a success.  This yarn will be the next short fingered gloves.  Or maybe a sock. IDK  Right now this yarn could be part of a Yarn bombing at the (Locally) famous Library tree..... 

Because it requires four hands

Now for the main event.  

TA DA!    Saturday 9. 

All I Ever Need Is You

Welcome to Saturday 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules.  We love memes, however, and here is today's meme.


Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.  

1) The lyrics tell us that some men search for silver, some for gold. Are you wearing either silver or gold right now?
 No, I'm not wearing any jewelry atm.

2) This song was a top 20 hit in the United States but sold much better in Canada. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of our neighbor to the North?  

I think of Freeeeedommmm!  If we went there, we might never come back. And, we have always thought about it, or talked about it, since we were first married.

3) It's performed by one of pop's most successful duos, Sonny and Cher. Can you name another duo that made hit records?  

Yes, I can.  The Carpenters.  I loved their music.

4) In addition to their recording career, Sonny and Cher were TV stars. In a recurring sketch on their variety show, Cher played a "v-a-m-p: VAMP!" These characters were always sexy and seductive. Do you consider yourself a good flirt? 

I do not flirt.  I think it's not for me. 

5) Sonny dropped out of high school in Inglewood, CA. Cher dropped out of high school in Fresno. What's the last year of education you completed?  Three and a half years of college  I have a lot of credits.  After the twins were about a year old, I went back and got within reach of a bachelor's. But I didn't have the stamina for night classes that were 30 miles away anymore.  I'm so glad that the colleges got together and let the girls go to the closest JC which is a little over a mile from our house. 

6) Sonny first became Mayor of Palm Springs, and then represented the district in Congress. The city erected a statue in Sonny's memory. Tell us about a statue or monument in your town.  The big bronze statue of El Cid in Balboa Park.  It's a beautiful statue but it isn't Balboa, who was beheaded for telling the Spanish king that the Governor of California was mistreating Native Americans - might this Governor have been the king's brother?  Uncle?  Sibling?  Oh well.  Señor Balboa, esto me pone triste.
7) Cher is often described as outspoken. Ask her for her opinion on anything from politics to plastic surgery, and you will get a frank answer. Does "outspoken"  apply to you, as well?  If anyone asks me my opinion, if I have one, I will tell it.  Frankly, I am Outspoken

8) In 1971, when this song was popular, Sears sold a portable manual typewriter. Described at the time as, "lightweight for travelers," it weighed 10 lbs. Today the average laptop weighs half that. Do you own a typewriter?  Yes, though I regret having sold my mother's little blue Remington portable. It was an electric.  I could kick myself. And I regret letting the twins "Borrow" my little black Spanish character portable.  One of them set it down at a bus stop and forgot it when she got on the bus. 
9) Random question -- Which has gotten you out of more scrapes: your smarts, or your charm?  Your charm can't prevent you getting into scrapes in the first place, so I'll go with the smarts.  Having had a childhood where you learned very early on to avoid trouble from a violent person by caution, charm didn't have a chance to raise it's cute little head.
People reading this can go HERE to see the other participant's pages... It's fun ... give it a spin... ;o)

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. That tale of the yarn was harrowing! I'm glad it had a happy ending.

    Poor Karen Carpenter. Her deep, lower range was so pure and soulful. I wish she had lived and could have done some music on her own. (I wish she hadn't suffered so in life, period.)

    1. Thanks Gal. One thing about yarn is that it has an end and a beginning, and can be detangled as long is there isn't, a toddler or a kitty in the house at the time. It requires a lot of spread space.
      As you say, Karen Carpenter had a beautiful, several-octave voice range. And, same here... it was heartbreaking to hear of her passing. Cruel disease.

  2. I also picked the Carpenters and as The Gal Herself said, it was a terrible lost from such an insidious disease.

    1. When I listened to the clip you have up, I thought about a few others who suffered from that, one of them was a niece whose mother hammered on her girls. So much was made about weight in these parts and in the US. stupid really.

  3. I never knew that typewriters came with spanish characters. Live and learn, LOL!

    1. It's more common in Southern California, I think. Especially to find one, used, at a typewriter repair, where mine came from. I loved it.

  4. When I first started knitting I had NO patience for yarn tangles. But now, I find true zen peace in untangling yarn and eventually being able to knit with it. I would love to untangle yarn with you. We would have a great time.

    1. Detangling is more fun with a few more hands, true!
      I'll bake some scones and tea! Partay!!

  5. Karen Carpenter...loved her. In junior high chorus the only time we altos got to sing melody instead of harmony was when we did a Carpenters song

    1. Ah yes. that's exactly right!

      She may have been a contralto, but you know that the split is hard to determine, even though higher voices are split into soprano and coloratura. When I listened to her a long time ago, I was thinking that the range of Karen Carpenter was similar to the range of Maria Callas, i.e., Four and a half octaves.

  6. I would never have the patience to work that out. I can barely stand to untangle a necklace! I love the Carpenters, too. If I'd had that voice ... ah. Who knows where I'd have ended up?

    1. She had one of the most beautiful voices, with that beautiful range. At my age, I'm pretty much a contralto. lol
      Yarn snarls are a challenge, and you just tell yourself that there is only two ends in this mess and work at it from there.

  7. The Carpenters were fantastic. Great answer! Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.



I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..