"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Saturday 9: Werewolves of London (1978)

 Saturday 9: Werewolves of London (1978)

Unfamiliar with this week's featured song? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Warren Zevon sees a werewolf with a Chinese menu in his hand. He wanted beef chow mein. If we Saturday 9ers got together for Chinese, what would you likely order?
I would order chow mien and fried rice

2) He also says the werewolf's hair was perfect. Are you having a good hair day?
I almost never have a good hair day.  lol

3) Linda Ronstadt was a big Warren Zevon fan and recorded several of his songs. Do you have a favorite Linda Ronstadt song?
She's one of my favorite female singers. So I like albums.  Cansiones De Mi Padré is one of my favorite albums.

4) Warren Zevon admitted being afraid of doctors and avoided check ups. Are you scared when you go to the doctor or dentist for a routine visit?
Not usually, but I'm beginning to be.  This is late because of a doctor's visit yesterday.  Nothing dire, just age...
5) In 1935, the movie Werewolf of London was released. Do you enjoy being frightened by scary movies?
Yes.  If you haven't seen "Pitch Black", I recommend it to you for scary movies. BRRRR!

6) In your younger days, did you ever trick or treat while dressed as a monster?

7) When you were a kid, what sweet treats were you happiest to receive?
I loved little Abba Dabba bars.

8) Can you see any Halloween decorations as you answer these 9 questions?
No, because we don't decorate the computer room. 

9) Halloween is most popular in the United States and Canada, and isn't really celebrated at all in Japan or South Korea. How would you explain our Halloween customs to a visitor from another land?

No one outside of North America seems to "get" our halloween", and a lot of people in California celebrate The Day of the Dead. 

I would try to explain Halloween as a fun day for kids that involves dressing up and going door to door getting little candy treats.  They still wouldn't get it. 

I am having a "bad hair day", and so this is late and short.  I just can't do it justice! 

Love to you all! 

And a big thanks to Sam!  



  1. I hope your hair has a better day tomorrow! Our Halloween has evolved a long way from what it was meant to be. But that's ok.

  2. I agree, I think it would be incredibly hard to explain away Halloween. Loved your answers. Have a nice weekend.


    1. It would be. This holiday-holy day- has come a long,long way from it's origins. Thanks for stopping by. Wishing you a lovely Holiday Season..

  3. #7 I never heard of Abba Dabba bars before.

    1. Lol.. well, the memory played one of it's little tricks(or treats?) on my old wicked brain. It is Abba Zaba bars. They have been around for a looonnnnnggggg time.

  4. Halloween is pretty weird to try and explain for someone to understand it. Linda is one of the few female singers I like at all. I usually prefer the deeper tones of a male singer, but she is just so good.

    1. Halloween is a kids holiday now. And yes, it would be pretty hard to explain it to anyone who celebrates Dia de los muertos, for instance. Or All Hollows Eve.
      Linda Ronstadt is an amazing singer. But I love to hear women singing, not so much the men. Unless it's a duet, then it's well, something magical.

  5. I'm going to have to look up that movie.

    And I'm glad your doctor's appt. was nothing dire.

    1. It's very scary. It's like SciFi and Horror all mixed together.
      Dr. was a sub for my regular who is out on maturity leave. I was very anxious about seeing him. He was terrific! So, bone density, as usual for my age.. got Fozzamax or something like that. nbd.. yay!

  6. Dia de los Muertos is very big here in New Mexico. They have an annual parade (The Marigold Parade) in the South Valley of Albuquerque that's been going on for 20-something years.

    1. My daughter loved Dia de los Muertos. She decorated for it. But they also handed out candy to the little goblins who came by.
      It's sweet to know about the Marigold Parade. Maybe in the near future we can go out there at to see it.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..