"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Time for Livin'

Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here is today's questions!

Thanks again, Sam... 

Readers, go HERE for the LInk

Saturday 9: Time for Livin' (1968)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song is about taking "time for life." Do you have a busy, highly-scheduled Saturday planned? Or will you have an opportunity to just relax and enjoy? We will be staying in.  Our county has a quite a lot of scoff-laws, so it is getting hit hard with the new variant, whether anyone wants to admit it yet or not. 
2) Lead singer Larry Ramos begins by telling us he likes to kick off his shoes and go barefoot. How about you? Do you like to feel "the good earth under your feet?" I've gone barefoot almost my whole life.  Now, not so much but still love to do it.  I always want to feel that visceral connection with Mother Earth.
3) He sings that once he took off his watch, he found he had all the time in the world. Tell us about your watch.  I have four wrist watches that I like to wear from time to time.  No pun intended.  Two of them I've inherited from my mother. Two of them are gifts from my Hubby.

4) With lyrics that include words like "grooving" and "hang-ups," this song is very much a product of its time. Share some of the slang you used during your adolescent years.  "Grooving" and "Hang Ups" as well as "Far Out" and "Outa sight" come from my youth.  Let's see.. "Fab" ''Blast" and that's just a few.  Anyway, as Sam says,  some of it's come around yet again..

5) He sings that his attitude has been rearranged. What is something you have changed your mind about? 

Don't read the following if you are easily upset by forthright views about facts of Matters.....You may be sorry you asked but: 

I am a Quaker, through and through, and I do not like what I'm seeing...

I'm sad to say, it's far right Modern Christians.  I've changed my mind about them all for the most part, by deciding they are going down a dangerous path.  From the Archbishop of  the Kremlin's Russian Orthodox Church who is the WORST manifestation of this phenomenon, to Bible thumping evangelicals in thousand dollar suits.  What's Christ got to do with it?  

They have, in my view, forgotten what Real Power is.  Real Power is the sort of thing that Christ himself displayed many times, and his disciples.  

I feel that far right modern Christianity has crossed a line and  is now a danger to our democracy. The forefathers were explicit about maintaining the separation of Church and State.  They saw what had happened in Europe. 

I feel like too many of the leaders now crave power for it's own sake and they love money more than honor, or even Christian virtues.  I've seen this coming for a long LONG time.  Ever since 1964, and a revival meeting that my neighborhood pastor and his wife took me to, I've watched this. 

The Christian right was just getting rolling to overtake the political life of the country, and it sickened me. And I've never forgotten it as the years went by.  They fell for Mammon in my view.  This got taken to a national level by the advent of those Breakfasts that Washington has had for decades.  You weren't anyone unless you were part of it.

 HERE is a link... But that is only One of the manifestations. We are in trouble now because a lot of so called Russian Ex-pats attended them during the 90's and early 2000's.  It's all public knowledge; you can research it.  I'm too old to keep this on my heart anymore.. 

I apologize if it offends people who feel it's inappropriate to the meme, but it is the only answer I could give.  I have changed my mind about the truth of the shifts in Washington.  I think every American needs to know this is happening.  It's not benign. 

6) This week's group, The Association, was founded in Hawaii. Hawaii produces more pineapple than other state in the union. When did you most recently have pineapple? Sometime last year.  I love fresh pineapple but it's hard to find.

7) In 1968, when this song was popular, Jacqueline Kennedy married Aristotle Onassis. Think about the last wedding you attended. Were you closer to the bride or to the groom, or were you equally close to both? The groom.  He is a friend's son.
8) In 1968, when this song was popular, Laugh In was America's #1 TV show and it made a star of Goldie Hawn. Do you have a favorite Goldie Hawn movie?  I loved the remake of  "The Out of Towners" and also, equally, "First Wives".
9) Random question: Who is the most recent person you made smile, and what did you do? That person was my hubby and it was this morning.  It was some dumb random thing I joked about, and we both had a good snarky laugh over it.  It was something Political about that world class Poot,  Putin. At the risk of getting Black Listed by the Bots, I won't repeat it. hahahaha!

As if!  And that is another Nineteen Sixties "ism".  



  1. Thanks for #5. Very good thoughts, which I agree with.

    1. Thank you, Bev. It will never happen again, let me tell ya. lol

  2. You end each post with another good phrase from our youth: Peace, love and rock and roll!

    I too worry about how the radical Christian right is trying to erase the separation of Church and State. I've discussed abortion with friends who are Jewish and it's clear that the Supreme Court is legislating Christianity. That is dangerous and most definitely not what our forefathers had in mind. Re: praying on the 50-yard-line, as my friend Nancy says, "Let a Muslim teacher try to lead her public school class in prayer and see what happens." Freedom of religion includes freedom FROM religion. Why doesn't the Radical Right remember that? PS I agree with you 100% that many in this movement are more interested in amassing power than in doing good.

    1. They are supremely dangerous, and yes, they want POWER with all the trimmings. They believe it is their right. I've watched them for a long, long time. It's no accident that these far right religious Folk are also active in Europe, and Oddly in Russia, though they won't admit it. Perhaps they are trying to force Armageddon? Anyway, I won't got off like this again on any of the memes. I'm done. lol

  3. #5-I am a Christian, but I agree with your thoughts on far right. I also do not agree with the far left. I think both groups are bad for our political climate. It is sad because it seems like those are the only voices you hear on the news. I think both of those groups are nuts.
    #1- YES! I have noticed a lot more cases of covid this summer and no one seems to care. I talked to my doctor about it and he said that most people are having minor symptoms that are not life threatening, that there are a few in the hospital, but it is not as much of a concern as the other variants were. He said the same groups are still at risk, elderly and medically fragile. I am being careful though. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. I am not sure how Far (to the) Left is meant, and this is because I don't see Progressives as Far Left. But if you mean Communists, then yes. They are just the other extreme of "Nut Jobs". We don't want EITHER of them anywhere near to the seats of Power. True. We want our children to live in Peace, and also in Dignity, and we want them to be able to make all the choices in their own lives that a Democracy gives them. After all, Millions of Americans have fought for and died in wars to protect Democracy.
      Ahhh Covid is not done with us yet. True! I worry a lot about it. Stay safe!

  4. Totally agree with you on #5. It is NOT benign.

    1. Thanks CountryDew. That will be the LAST Rant for me. I'm going to go back to my knitting! Enjoy all the beauty all around you out there in a Heavenly place. I loved your new sunrise/sunset header.. Beautiful!

  5. #5--I agree with you!!! And I also like going barefoot--there's something about putting my bare feet on soft grass and feeling grounded, like I belong to something bigger and better than myself.

    1. Thank you Kwizgiver. I'm settling my old bean down again to not EVER do another rant on line in any of the MEMEs. Ahhhhh the grass under out feet. It does just as you say, makes one feel grounded and part of Mother Earth. Hope you have a perfect weekend whatever is still left of it.

  6. I tend to lean more to the right than many 9'ers, but I respect everyone's opinions...and I agree with anonymous up there, any of the extreme views are not helping us at all. And no one's ugly words or actions help, either.

    Until you mentioned it, I didn't realize that pineapples were missing from the store, but you're right. I haven't seen them in quite a while. Not that the fresh ones we got around here were all that great.

    1. Thanks for your thoughts, Stacy. Right, No one's ripping up of the constitution is going to benefit Americans.
      I appreciate that most of the country wants our democracy to stay somewhat in the middle and away from ANY extreme. No, extreme views are not helping, but we who want to work for the middle ground do out number the fringe elements and I think we will get a beneficial and workable government at some point. If not, then we will have a civil war. It's that simple.

      Pineapple is hard to find organically grown, though I did keep a top alive for several years it never grew another pineapple on a stalk out the middle. Yes I saw one on Pinterest. lol


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..