"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Saturday 9: In and Out of Love (1967)

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9
questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Friends: This is a two spoon day.  So this is a bit bare bones 

I've always loved Diana Ross, and Motown Records, too. 

They both had a HUGE influence on the way Music went after they took it down the road. 


Saturday 9: In and Out of Love (1967)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Diana Ross is disappointed that she hasn't yet found lasting love. Do you think you can fall out of love? Or do you believe that if you fell out of love, it wasn't true love to begin with?  I'm sure you can even fall out of true love IF the person you love that much just turns into an utter Snake.

2) When is the last time you literally fell, tripped, or stumbled? The last time I fell was just as the pandemic hit.  I broke my elbow and shoulder and dislocated the shoulder. 
3) This record was a hit with American Bandstand viewers. For weeks it was voted the song they most wanted to dance to. Did you watch American Bandstand? No. I really didn't get to be a kid much at all growing up. I was the eldest and I had to take care of so much stuff that it took most of my time not dedicated to study and to school.
4) This is one of the last Supremes songs that featured the most successful hit-making line-up: Diana Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard. Florence's great-nephew, Christian Ballard, was a football star at University of Iowa and briefly played pro ball for the Vikings. The 2022-23 NFL season just kicked off. What team do you root for?  I no longer am a fan of any sport.
5) Mary had a connection to sports, too. She donated her time and talent to raising money for Figure Skaters of Harlem, an organization that helps young people train for the Winter Olympics. Tell us about a charity you support.
Doctors Without Borders and also, Women for Women.  The both are great causes and careful with the money they get through donations.

6) There's a children's playground in New York's Central Park named for the last surviving member of this trio, Diana Ross. It has swings, slides, a rope bridge, and a fountain that kids are welcome to splash in. If you were suddenly little again, which would you play on first?  In a playground? Maybe a slide.  But I would absolutely ride my bike. Freeeeedommmmmm!
7) Diana owns an estate in Greenwich, CT, with lush gardens, a tennis court, and a pool. While the grounds are spectacular, she maintains the house itself is "nothing special" because the kitchen hasn't been renovated in more than three decades. Could your kitchen benefit from a makeover? Or are you fine with it as it is?  It's fine as it is because it was remodelled about 20 years ago.

8) In 1967, when this song was popular, the best-selling camera was The Polaroid Swinger. When did you most recently take a photo? What was it of? It was of a Pizza that we got for dinner last night.  I took it with the cell phone.

9) Random question: Come clean! Are there dirty dishes in your sink right now?  Nope.  I just finished eating lunch, so I asked the chief cook and bottle washer, and he said,  "Just one, your Yogurt bowl." 

Thanks again, Sam!  

Readers: here is a link to the page where you can read other responses to this week's Saturday 9. 


  1. Oh my, what a fall! Riding bikes, that was a fun pastime of childhood, we would ride all over the place out in the country.

    1. Oh,yes, that fall in the kitchen was the final blow to my mobility and freeeeedommmmm.... lol But, while it lasted, a bike was definitely a great escape! I rode a bike most of my childhood, starting with a tricycle, an Indian Princess that I sometimes rode to school, and the bikes hubby and I bought as a couple. After knee surgery, I gave that bike to a daughter.

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! They are certainly pretty. I wanted something that was not ceramic. They are some sort of porous tile but they have a special coating so they can be washed.

  3. Oh my, I forgot about that fall. It was a doozy! I hope you fully recovered and don't have any lingering problems. I still love the Pittsburgh Steelers of the old days, but yeah, I don't like the behavior and greed that is rampant in most sports these days so I don't really watch. Your kitchen is very pretty and it looks like it is HUGE!

    1. Hi Ms. Stacy. Oh yes, and I still feel the affects of it! BOOM! Off to the Hospital....And Thanks about the kitchen. It's that shape as it's a Galley Kitchen, and very long and narrow. The widest part, where I was standing to take the picture, used to be the tiny dining area with that small and narrow kitchen attached. We had a remodel done of the kitchen about 15-20 years ago. We've lived here almost 60 years. It seems huge but I jammed my body into the corner of the "diningroom" to take that pic. lol

  4. #2 Ouch! That must have been a rough time <3
    #6 Yes back in the teen years before the driver license a bike meant freedom!
    #8 I tried making a cast iron pan pizza on the grill... I gave it a C+ for effort.

    1. Hi Diana....
      Oh yes, and I felt like a fool. #2 I did, in my defense, dry my feet off before going across the kitchen for a something I need to scrub the surgical area with...
      Back in the day, I started driving - officially ;o) - when I was 15 and a half. Boy oh boy! Talk about Freedom!
      #3 I just saw that pizza in a cast iron pan recipe somewhere or other. I guess I won't try it. lol At least it didn't heat up the house. There is that. We've been having 100* weather now and again. Enjoy the Fall Weather! We get our color sometime around Christmas. Long past Pumpkin Season! Drat!

  5. I was thinking of how frequently I snap photos these days--of everyday things I don't want to forget (like which brand of laundry soap I was picking up for my parents).

    1. I think the phones are terrific! There is one problem though. If you get on a *list* somewhere, then the blasted things report everything you see, and probably do, to some dark cubby hole in the CIA or the NSA. My camera will never report to anyone but ME.

  6. I am sorry you're having a 2 spoons day. That's not a good day at all. Your kitchen is lovely.

    1. Ah yes, 2 spoons roll up all the time now. I'd love to be able to play that kid's game "Killer" with a few world "leaders", only they wouldn't know it wasn't a game with me. heehee
      Thank you about the kitchen. It's my favorite room of the house. The Sewing Craft (Crap) room.. Meh.. but that kitchen... sweet!

  7. Oh yes, bike riding for sure. I rode everywhere! Nice background!

    1. Thanks Susan! Bikes are a sweet ride. And thanks about the background. Cheerful. I love what tiny edge of Fall we get in California.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..