"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Saturday 9: Wagon Wheel...Darius Rucker

Saturday 9: Wagon Wheel (2013)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

This is such a happy and sweet song.  This is my kind of "Country".... πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’–πŸ’—πŸ’˜

1) This week, Darius Rucker sings about hitching a ride to reach his lady love. Have you ever thumbed a ride?  Never have I ever had to.  I’ve given a lot of rides in the past before it was insane to do it.  

2) Along the way, he loses his money in a poker game. Successful poker players are good at bluffing, or misleading others about their cards. Are you good at bluffing, whether at cards or in life?  Not that I know of. 

3) Darius began has career as the lead singer of 90s soft-rock band Hootie and the Blowfish. Today he's a country singer. Let's say you're stuck in traffic and only one radio station comes in clearly. Would you prefer it play soft rock or country? What?  No iPod ?!?!!  I'd listen to Country, probably, because it’s peppier. 

4) Darius Rucker will be on tour throughout 2023, playing dates all over the country and making a couple stops in Cancun. Have you ever visited Mexico? If so, where did you go?  We used to go very very often when hubby was surfing and the two older girls were little. 

Rosarita Beach was a tiny fishing village in those days, and hubby’s sister and BIL had a little trailer there.  A big group would go down…

Then, Alas…. began the great migration of Americans Snow bird retirees.  We used to go to Tijuana all the time, though.  It was fun. Now it’s just far too dangerous. I’ve never been to Cancun.  It seems alright.  But nothing like the 60's.  That was sort of like heaven.  Before the big drug lords and such.  Ahora, es muy Malo y peligroso. 

5) Darius has lent his talents to fundraising for The First Tee, a non-profit that teaches children "life lessons, self-confidence, and resilience through golf." Did you participate in organized sports as a youngster? If yes, what did you play?  I was on teams for basketball, archery, volleyball, tennis, and badminton. This was in the G.A.A. tourneys. I earned my certification as a basketball referee at that time, too. I loved it all. 

6) A big sports fan, he has six TVs in his home so he can watch several games at once. His largest set is 70". When it comes to TV screens, do you believe bigger is better? Or are you just as comfortable watching from your laptop or phone?  My eyes need a bigger screen.  I could watch from this desk top, or our big screen, which is not small but not big enough for me. I’d actually like to have a 55", like my sister's.  Lol...

7) In 2013, when "Wagon Wheel" was popular, fans were flocking to the movie theater to see Catching Fire, the second in the Hunger Games series. Are you a Hunger Games fan?  Actually, I haven’t watched any of them. I think it’s because the title turned me off.  Hunger is no joke.  Ask any poor kid. I’m sure it has nothing to do with hunger but there’s a lot of happier stuff to watch. 

8) Also in 2013, the word "selfie" was added to the Oxford Dictionary. Do you take a lot of selfies? No.  A few have made it through the process of learning my phone camera.  I don’t like Selfies of me.  I’d rather live in blissful ignorance of my now wizened, Eighty year old countenance.  😁🀣

9) Random question: If we paid you $5,000, would you get Saturday 9 tattooed on your right forearm?  Not unless I was drunk out of my mind, and even then I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t happen. Try a couple of million $$$ ; I might bite… A butterfly on my ankle might be tempting....

Thank you, Sam!  This is always a lot of fun!  πŸ’•πŸ™πŸΌ

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  1. I like your answer to #9. Let's make it a negotiation! Also, Kwizgiver has a nice, airy Saturday 9 logo that might not be so bad ...

    1. Ok about #9. Your people and my people can hammer out the deets. lol
      I think I am going to go steal that logo, as I saw it a few days ago and I've already stolen from her. She's probably used to it. 😊

  2. I am right there with you on #6. I like a big screen. I can't see very good anymore. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.


    1. Oh yes, and the bigger the better. My eyes are getting pretty bad.
      Stacey's hubby wants a 70", and I didn't know that even was a "THING" Ooooo! 😊

  3. #4 My brother and sister-in-law are Snow Birds and have gone to the Pensacola area for the last ten years but now are looking for another place to go. Many of their friends who they went with have passed on.
    #5 Neat! You’re a basketball referee!
    #7 Um… Ah… The Hunger Games are not about food, it is even worst. It is about dystopian post-apocalyptic future.

    1. Snow birds are part of the crowd in Quartzite and they are truly lovely.
      But in Mexico they sort of messed it up with defending property lines, and demands for more protection from the Federales which just brought in more corruption, etc. etc.
      Ah yes, I still have my whistle, which I earned, and my certification card. It was a wonderful chance to be able to referee the games. Basketball is still my favorite game.
      Hunger games.. hmmm.. I had no idea. I had it in my head -erroneously- that they played for food.. like the slaves in gladiator times. Ah.. post-apocalyptic times.... I'll never watch that stuff. Thanks for the heads up! GAH! 😜

  4. I think it is great that you were so into sports. I'm sure it served you well with your health over the years. I imagine you as a beautiful older woman, full of wisdom and love.

    1. Yes, About Sports: it was an escape from the stress and angst of my horrible home life. But those times were well before girls could earn scholarships that way.
      and...Awww Shucks, Miss CountryDew. I will admit to being sort of wise enough to not play in the street anymore, and to loving as much as possible in this "best of all possible worlds".. Love has never hurt the world. Have a great week, and hope you do not have any more radical winds!

  5. I think the 60's and 70's would have been the coolest if a person was of age. I feel totally robbed of what could have been my Woodstock and Janis Joplin moment. - I think more kids than not have joined sports for your exact reason. I think it's cool you played all of those sports and I'm sure you would've gotten a scholarship if they would've given them out. I think there's been a thing against women from the beginning of time. Again, thanks for popping by.

    1. Hi Mimi. I love your blog and poked around a bit. I love your take on many things, and life can be magical, so it can. It can be a hard and mean little kick arse thing as well, but that's when you nail it's hide to the shed, Fred. heehee
      I think I should have gotten a scholarship, but unbeknownst to me, my senior councilor was a local Uni Prof's wifey, who had some kids amongst her own rarified friends circle who got them, and that was that. One of my friends, who was a brilliant guy, didn't get a scholarship either, but was poor like me. When he got his draft notice, he promptly drove his family's truck off a cliff. Class Privilege's. Lovely, ain't it?

    2. Thank you, and I'm so sorry about your friend.

    3. Thank you, Mimi. He was a wonderful guy. I’ll never forget him. I think of him when I see a casualty count for that disgusting (abuse of power) .. like Ike said.. “they will steal the children’s houses and their educations.” But he didn’t mention all the other collateral damage. My brother and cousins paid the price.

  6. I completely agree about the selfies. I'm not your age yet, but why focus on yourself as much? I have just a few nice photos on which I recognise me how I feel. That's it. All made by people who love me.

    Had the same association about the hunger games.

    Interesting you are a basketball referee. We got opportunities when we were young, but there was no real follow up. I was a speedy ice skater. The older boys loved that little girl going as fast as them. But apart from them...I just stayed the little girl, never had any opportunity to use it.

    Enjoy your week!

    1. This is Zipp and I’m using the tablet.. thus no sign in… Thank you, Syl. You are right. Why focus on yourself? The older I get the less I want to have attention either to myself or my beliefs. I’m pretty much done. Live, Laugh, ❤️ Love.

    2. Sports scholarships for girls.. parents had to spend themselves into a poor house for special training for us. Sports scholarships were not available for women until my own girls were college age.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..