"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Saturday 9: Over There (1942)

Because it's the Fourth!

Unfamiliar with this rendition? Hear it here.

1) George M. Cohan wrote this song in 1917, inspired by our country's entry into WWI. It was not only popular with the young men who enlisted, it was reassuring to their families. Tell us about a time when music was a comfort to you.  

Music is truly one of the sustaining parts of my life.  And it's a daily comfort.  I could never be completely without it.  It goes through my head constantly.  I have written songs.  And, it hurts that I can't sing anymore.  

But I can still hum and whistle. DH says that he likes to hear me do those things. As far as now.... I am definitely a Contralto.  My range has shrunk. 

2) "Over There" was revived at the start of WWII, and President Franklin Roosevelt cited this song specifically when he awarded Cohan with the Congressional Gold Medal. What's your favorite patriotic song?  

Actually, it's this one.  *Points upward*  I still sing it.  Sometimes I will belt it out with the the singer if it's a recording...... and no one else is listening.  Lol...

3) This rendition of the song is from the 1942 film, Yankee Doodle Dandy. James Cagney won an Oscar for his performance as George M. Cohan. Also nominated that year was Gary Cooper, who portrayed a different Yankee, Lou Gehrig, in Pride of the Yankees. Tell us about a movie biography you have enjoyed.  

"Shindler's List".  It's a great movie but maybe "Enjoyed" isn't the word for this one.. Let me see...."Hidden Figures".  I really love that one.

4) Cagney had a rebellious streak. His boss, studio head Jack Warner, nicknamed Cagney, "The Professional Againster." Cagney joked that he was proud of the title. How about you? Are you rebellious?  

Yes, I think I've been so ever since I got out from under the dangerous thumb of the Paternal Unit. 

5) In the clip linked above, a woman sings with Cagney. Her name was Frances Langford, nicknamed the "GI Nightingale" because during WWII she performed for the troops at bases throughout Europe, North Africa and the South Pacific. Do you have any nicknames? 

Actually, my given name is a nickname for my mother's first name.  Lillian.  Her family called her that although most of her life after her teens, she was called Bobbie by friends and "the despot's" family (who were nothing like him) but not by her sisters.  They always called her by her nickname, which they bestowed upon her.

6) In 1942, when audiences were enjoying this performance of "Over There" in movie theaters, the fashion trend was for mothers and their young daughters to wear identical dresses. Moms would buy lots of fabric and patterns for the same casual day dress in both their own sizes and their little girls'. Can you sew?  That sounds like fun.... 

But we never did that.  I remember that Mother sewed matching Easter Dresses one year (they were yellow dotted Swiss) that she and I wore to church.  And, yes, I can sew, and I made most of my dresses in High School, and I've sewn garments for pay, and did alterations for others for a few years as a business.  I love to sew.  

This has brought some tears to my eyes because I can remember how happy Mother was that Easter Sunday at church.  Mother used to make all my clothes, sewing most of them by hand when I was a baby and a toddler.  She made me sun suits and little dresses when I was small.  1942 was the year I was born.  Those were the "War Years".  Everything was rationed so material was unavailable pretty much.  She made my clothes from whatever someone else outgrew, and I was the last of the girls and quite small. 

We lived on our Grandparent's Farm with the other sisters whose husbands were off fighting or training.  I grew up sewing clothes for my dolls and then for myself.

7) The Fourth of July means we're in the middle of summer. Are you careful about applying sunscreen?  Well, I do now.  I didn't use to need to.  But I was careful about not getting burnt before I could get a good tan every year. Now it seems like Wisdom itself to wear it. 

8) Mosquito bites an be a major summer annoyance. Are you scratching any itches right now?  No, I am not.

9) Celebrity chef Rachael Ray says she considers mini-hamburgers, or "sliders," the All-American food. What will you be eating this 4th of July?  It all depends on how adventurous the chef is.  Hubby does all the cooking but if he has a potato salad on the menu, I'm the one who makes it. It is one of Grandmother's recipes that was passed down to me.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend! 

And thank you Sam!  Happy Fourth of July to you!  

Will Smith, I still love you even if you are an Arse at times!

Readers.  If you would like to go Sam's blog  you can join in the fun.  She has a linkie there at the bottom.  



  1. We had nearly identical thoughts about biographies. Those "Hidden Figures" ladies were amazing!

  2. I so wish I could whistle! Good girl on the sunscreen. And I have potato salad in the refrigerator, just waiting!

  3. Happy 4th of July!
    #1 I am way off key no matter what I do.
    #3 Ditto! I also liked Hidden Figures, but I never thought of it as movie biography but I guess it was.
    #6 {Hugs}
    #9 I have my mother’s recipe box.

  4. Once I was whistling in a store, and a clerk came around the corner in a hurry. She stopped dead when she saw me. "I thought you were a man," she said, and turned and walked off. I thought it was hilarious. I did not occur to me that women didn't whistle. I can't whistle like I used to but I still do sometimes.

  5. I really enjoyed the movie Hidden Figures. I can't see really sad movies more than once like Schindler's List or Titanic. That is nice that you can sew that well. I am strictly a craft sewer now. My grandma made us dresses when we were young. Happy 4th!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..