"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Saturday 9: Dinah Shore...

Saturday 9: You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (1943)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

 Note:  I could sing this song when I was 3 years old.  Back in Ohio, my Aunties and Mother would sing it, and I sang right along.  Everyone sang in my mother's family.  

1) In this song, Dinah Shore goes on about listening to the breeze. Is it windy, breezy, or still where you are today?  It's been calm and we had some overcast skies and a little fog this AM. 

2) The August moon is bright in Dinah's musical fantasy. Let's look at your calendar. Is anything special coming up in August (birthdays, anniversaries, vacation getaways ...)? August is the quietest month usually.  Next to nothing happens in it.  

3) Dinah was one of TV's pioneers. Her first show was a 15-minute variety show that ran two nights/week in 1951. What's the most recent show you watched?  We don't watch any TV shows.  But we do watch Netflix and Prime.  This is a Netflix one, a Spanish Drama about a mob boss with early onset Alzheimer's.  My favorite Spanish Actor is in it.  

4) She followed that in 1956 with the Dinah Shore Chevy Show. It was an hour long and sponsored by the car company. At the end of every show Dinah encouraged her viewers to "see the USA in your Chevrolet ..." Today Chevrolets are still the most popular cars manufactured by General Motors. Tell us about your car.  My car is a Jeep.

5) From 1970 to 1991, Dinah hosted daytime TV talk shows and found tremendous success, winning 6 Emmy Awards and repeatedly appearing in the Gallup Poll of America's most admired women. Do you remember her?

Yes.  I remember her and that little jingle about Chevys.

6) Dinah was such an avid golfer that, in 1972, she founded one of the LPGA's major tournaments. Though now officially titled The Chevron Championship, it's still often referred to as "The Dinah Shore" in her memory. Do you golf? If not, would you like to learn? No, and I actually dislike it.  They plant all this yummy grass and then have a fit when the animals from the surrounding areas come and eat it. 

7) In 1943, when "You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To" was popular, so were tablecloths. It was common to have cotton tablecloths for everyday use, fun and festive ones for 4th of July and Christmas, and linen for formal occasions. Do you use tablecloths in your home?  We use placemats unless we are having a big family dinner.  Then I put out festive tablecloths. 

8) Beatle George Harrison was born in 1943. Which of the Fab Four is your favorite?  George Harrison.  He was the best musician and innovator.  I liked his gentle ways.

9) Random question: Would you rather live on a houseboat or in a trailer?  I'd rather live in a motor home.  I could do that life style very well.  I'm basically a Gypsy at heart.  A Nomad if you would. 

Thank you Sam!  💕💖

Readers, want to see more?  Go HERE  to the linkie to other Saturday 9 Bloggers. 



  1. #6 made me smile. When I was a little girl, we'd drive past this local golf course and I never, ever saw anyone playing. I thought, "This would be a great places for horses. Why don't they put a stable here?"

    1. I know! What a waste of space but a city feels like it absolutely MUST have a PGA approved Golf Course to attract businessmen and their conventions. Blech! lol

  2. I could see you in a motor home, living that lifestyle.

  3. #3--what is the name of the show??

    1. Hi Kwizgiver. It's called, "Unauthorized Living". Totally TV-MA rated. lol

  4. How nice to have fog. It was 106 here yesterday.

    1. Yes it is! Mist and fog and it's still cloudy today. I feel for you.... Gad!
      We are getting up to 87 or so. Some of the valley gets hotter, but we live on the so called "Alto" which is about 11 miles from the bay.

  5. A mob boss with dementia sounds like a pretty interesting premise for a show.

    1. It is. Very interesting. The main character is starting to show his dementia in shaking hands and spacing out when being talked to or trying to explain something. I love the actor so my sympathy is stirred a little; he's an absolutely ruthless killer - a "Smiler with the Knife" sort.

  6. There is a golf course not too far away... Only for the elite, who pay such a lot for their membership that I could eat from it a whole year! There is a housing shortage!! Itś tremendous, and we still get new people from Ukraine and other countries who need a place to stay here too.
    That golf area would be perfect for a village of tiny houses!!

    Enjoy your week!

    1. Indeed it could be small homes for people who can't pay an arm and a leg to rent them. I resent Golf Courses with an insane level of resentment. Lol. The only thing they MIGHT do, is that during the apocalypse they may be a refuge for animals .. the tiny nibblers, and maybe tents for nomadic people. Yes?
      Enjoy your time away.

  7. #5 My mother used to be glued to the TV when the Dinah Shore show came on.
    #6 Yup.
    #8 It was a tossup between George and Paul.
    #9 In the spring and fall you see convoys heading north or south of RVs in the great migration of the snowbirds.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..