"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, September 29, 2023

On a Clear Day (You Can See Forever)

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer questions, however, and here are today's questions!

 Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

What a beautiful voice and range she has and still has I believe.... Gorgeous!  

1) Is today a clear day where you are?

Yes.  It's a beautiful clear-blue-sky day


2) Streisand sings that today she's "astounded."  What has recently shocked or greatly surprised you?  Recently? That nearly the Entirety of Europe has stood up to Putin.  I think the proverbial Gauntlet is now DOWN, Baby!

3) Streisand's voice astounded people from an early age. She began performing in New York clubs when she was only 18, too young to order a drink in the establishments where she sang. Do you remember the first adult beverage you ordered at a restaurant or bar?  I was underage, on a blind date with my friend, her betrothed, and his friend.  The drink was something called a "Seagram's 'N' Seven".  I had a few of them. lol  Delicious. This was long ago and far away.  They didn't I.D. every single person in that Era. 

4) Barbra has discussed the importance of her Jewish faith in her life and has enlisted the guidance of Reform, Conservative and and Orthodox rabbis as she explored her religion's complexities. Do you enjoy discussing religion? Enjoy?  Hmmm...YEs, I reckon..  I'm one of those seemingly off the wall sects, being a Quaker, and  as such we accept EVERY other religion as both relevant and healing to a soul that practices it, as well as a comfort.  I always like to listen to the Holy ones, like Monks or Nuns, Rabbis and Mullahs and just any other truly peaceful religious person.  I find that it's healing, and comforting as well as enlightening.  

5) Taylor Swift just passed Barbra Streisand as the woman with the most #1 albums (12). What's the last album you purchased?  James Taylor's Latest Hits: Volume Two.  I'm going to get volume one soon. 

 6) The lyrics to "On a Clear Day" were written by Alan Jay Lerner. He attended Choate, a private boarding school in CT, at the same time as John F. Kennedy. While JFK was in the White House, Lerner had two major Broadway hits -- Camelot and My Fair Lady -- running concurrently. Obviously those two Choate alumni did very well. Have you been to any of your class reunions? Have you been surprised, pleasantly or less so, by how any of your classmates turned out?  I've never gone.  And I have no idea how any of the classmates turned out except for the two or three of my Besties crowd that I kept in touch with for several years.  

7) The music was written by Burton Lane. In the 1930s, Lane worked for MGM Studios in Hollywood. After he heard Judy Garland perform at the Paramount Theater in Los Angeles, he brought her to the attention of his studio bosses and the rest, as they say, is history. Lane and Garland later worked together when Judy was an established star. He wrote the song, "How About You?" for her to sing in Babes on Broadway and received an Oscar nomination. Judy's best known movie has to be The Wizard of Oz. How many times have you seen it?  My two older kids and I loved that movie and we pretty much watched it every Halloween when they were smaller.

8) In 1970, Glenn Frey formed the Eagles. What's your favorite Eagles song? "Desperado"

AND...since Bob Seger is my favorite Eagle, here is one of his songs with his own band.

9) Random question: Which would upset you more, being trapped in an elevator or stranded atop a mountain in a ski lift?  That depends on the time of day.  Late at night I would rather be in the elevator.  Earlier, I'd rather be stranded on the Ski lift.  That doesn't answer the question though, does it?  hehe  

Dear Readers,  would you like to read more posts, or to Join in?  Go HERE to the link to enter your own post, or to read offerings from the Niners.




  1. Ah, Against the Wind reminds me of a certain someone. Wherever he is now, I hope he's happy. (Sending good feelings his way.)

    1. I know this feeling. On of my cousins.... And the song is also beautiful.

  2. I've personally kept up with a few of my classmates, but a lot of my class is on Facebook and I can see all I want to of their lives on there. I think social media has killed the need for reunions. My kids' classes have never even had a reunion.

    1. Mine has had several. Though I've never been to a single one.
      As to Facebook: It was, I think, a beautiful and good thing before it became an unruly out of control, and powerful social media platform; that is before it was weaponized by some rather nefarious groups of people. I've stayed away from a lot of social media for that reason. You never really know to whom you are telling your life stories. And in the heat of battle, no one needs to know where your soft little underbelly is.

  3. #3 And they didn’t arrest you for DUI either (My brother driving, not me!).
    #4 I know many Quakers, I even was invited to do training at a retreat at Vermont at Southern Vermont College
    #8 Against the Wind is a great song.

    1. #3 Lol.. It is shocking what drunk drivers got away with in those olden days when we were teens.
      #4 Quakers are such unassuming, good hearted people that I fell for them immediately. I love silent service, and when I went the first two times ( to different meetings) here where I live now, I'd had two amazing dreams. It turned out that these dreams were messages for a man's grieving friends. I was astounded to say the least. Amazing stuff.

  4. I agree with Stacy, I think the connectedness of the younger generation, via phones and Facebook and such, will be the death of reunions. Probably not a bad thing.

    1. Yes, Stacy is right. I was a young mother, and by then re-unions were the last thing on my mind. I was learning to bake my own bread and live as much of a normal life as possible. The teen and college years aren't what most people think of as something to reminisce over.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..