"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease ๐Ÿฆ  And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Sunday Stealing: Book of Questions

I’m trying to type this out on a miscreant iPad that can’t handle a double dose of coding from copy and paste.  I hope this gets me some slack.

Bev is very understanding and I’m grateful. 

I also can’t link easily but I’ll try.  HERE is the link to Sunday stealing.
Questions are from HERE

Note:  it took me a day but I fixed it!

1. If you  saw a dog locked in a hot car, what would you do?
I’d send someone immediately to get security.  Then I’d wait two minutes and then smash the window, and I’d unlock the door and remove the animal if I could.  I’m happy to say it’s now, in many places, illegal to leave an animal in a locked car in hot weather, with the windows rolled up.  We are all getting more humane it seems.  That is a great thing!

2.  Is it easy for you to accept help when you need it?  

I rarely need help but when it’s completely clear that I do, I will. 
3. Have you ever been in a fashion show?
No, but we showed off our dresses we’d made in the 7th grade Home Ec for our mothers.  Does that count? ๐Ÿ’ƒ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ˜†. 

4. Would you like to be famous?
No.  Unless my fame could save the lives of children or animals.  Then maybe, yah.

5. What is your most compulsive habit?
I worry too much. Since it’s a habit, I’m working on it.  Giving it “time outs” during the day, and learning to shut it off at night so I can sleep.

6. What do you most strive for in your life: accomplishment, security, love, power, excitement, knowledge, or something else?
Knowledge.  I really want to know things thoroughly. 

7.How close and warm is your family?
We all love each other.  We think about each other all the time even though we are scattered all over California.  We are always happy to be in each other’s company.  

8 Does that fact that you have never done a thing before increase or decrease its appeal to you?
At my age, I’d have to admit that it decreases its appeal to me.  I’ve driven a car as fast as it could go, which was around 200 mph.  Loved it.  What else is there? Scuba?  I never wanted to do that. 

9. If your friends start belittling a common acquaintance, would you defend that person?
My friends just aren’t like that.  Oh you mean, not to their face... and yes, the answer is that I would do.  I’d most likely say that everyone  has their path in life.  Help them walk it if you are their friend.  Just let’s leave out religion and politics, though.  There’s a line not to be crossed.  ๐Ÿ˜†

10.  Do you make a special effort to thank someone who does you a favor.  How do you react when you aren’t thanked for going out of your way for someone?
Well, I do make a special effort.  And if someone forgets to thank me, I believe that the Great Spirit sees and hears All.  That’s enough thanks for me. 

11. Since adolescence, in what 3-year period do you feel you experienced the most personal growth and change?
I changed the most between 26 and 29.  I had a huge a “aha” experience (moment) which started a chain of events that did me a world of good. 

12. When you do something ridiculous, how much does it bother you to have other people notice it and laugh at you?
 The young me would have been embarrassed.  The old me would make a joke, unless it hurt too much. 

13. Do you believe in capital punishment?
No!  Life in prison yes, but not capital punishment.  Too many innocent people are killed by sub standard law enforcers. 

14. Do you find it so hard to say “no” that you regulalry do favors yo do not want to do?
 I have NO trouble saying no.  Age teaches you this. 

15.  What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
Death of a loved one.  That’s far too serious.


  1. I'm happy for you that your family enjoys one another. PS You might want to close the gap between your last answer and the comment section. It wasn't easy for me to find it.

    1. Thanks about my family. I think it's because we went through so much trauma as kids, my sister brother and I.
      And thanks for the heads up about the gap. It was caused my a lot of hidden coding in the post. I could only see it when I viewed the HTML.
      I think I'll just not post unless I have access to the PC. Have a great Holiday!

  2. I didn't think about it that way, but fame MIGHT be okay if you could use it in a really big way to benefit those in need. I think I'd rather be rich and give all my money, though, if I get a choice.

    1. Fame is tricky but really should be used to further better behavior in all Mankind. At least that's the way I see it.
      I'd never get fame, which is not the same thing as infamy which I MIGHT gain, so I really don't think I'll be giving away any big chunks of change anywhere. ;o)

  3. Replies
    1. Why thank you kindly, Ms. Kwizgiver. I'll be around soon to see what you've posted in these enjoyable MeMe's. Safe Travels!

  4. love your answers this week and think we all agree on the animal in the hot car

    1. Isn't it grand when we can unite in common Cause?!?! Love it! Thanks for your Comment!

  5. Great answers, Zippi. And if the iPad has something similar to Notepad in Windows, you might copy the stuff from Bev's blog into that and then into your blog. That is how I get rid of all that extra code, I copy it into Notepad and then into my blog. Maybe there is something similar on the iPad.

    1. Thanks CountryDew. I agree, that’s the way to do it if you have windows. Windows is compatible across a lot more platforms than is the version of notepad I have.
      I did copy everything into a version of notepad that is on my iPad. Then when I tried to copy that into blogger, it went haywire, adding lines and lines of code to the html.
      Another problem my iPad has, is that it doesn’t like something in blogger and will only show half the page, with no way to force it to do so, even with pressing a hundred return. It’s locked. From now on I’ll just use my laptop. I’m through with trying to get iPad to behave.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..