"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, June 5, 2023

Music Monday: My Heart Will Go On - Titanic Theme - Fingerstyle Guitar Cover

For Laura who left this Earth seven years ago today. We will always love you,  and we'll always miss you.    


My friend Suzie sent me a message about Laura, and a song, and this is part of my reply...

I do this to ease my heart.

An Indian woman was grieving her daughter's death, and she went to the temple where she begged Krishna to please bring her child back to her.  Krishna told the mother to go and bring a single tear back from someone who had not lost a child. 
The woman took her little tear collecting bottle all over her own village and even villages beyond.  She couldn't find a single other family who had not lost a child.  But by the time she was done, she realized that she would recover and learn to not grieve so much, but be at Peace.

I am at Peace most times, but there are still times when I have tears streaming down my face.  Like now.  But I know that Laura is somewhere, and it's Peaceful.  Laura worried about just, well, about Everyone, and now I know she is at Peace. 🙏

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