"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Chenille sweater

Today is my Mom's birthday. She passed away 20 years ago this December 28th, and I think of her every day. Happy Birthday my good, good mother, where ever you may be.

I've been knitting my sweater, off and on, for about a year. Well, I lost so much weight that I had to rip out the whole front and go down a size. When the camera batteries recover a picture came be taken of it for posting. The socks picture took all the juice. It's an old (VERY old) Digital with very OLD technology that takes decent pictures but really needs to be connected to an electrical cord. A long one for traveling more than a few feet! It's a love/hate relationship, my camera's and mine.

I've decided to give politics a rest because if not, my heart will just stop in the middle of the night and then who will look after DH and our tiny doggie? I want to knit for my DD's and go see them and have wonderful vegan feasts with them. You cannot do that if your heart stops in the middle of the night.

I blame Bush and his brigands for giving us all chronic heart pains, especially after reading the book, Forbidden Truth. They did this knowingly and by forcing us to live in unnecessary fear with all their scare tactics.

I've never, in all my years of critically watching a president's performance, been so sure that we had a madman in the office. The only other thing he could be is the stupidest president, but then, maybe he's both mad and stupid. Some leaders are used by others, look at Reagan. He seemed to be just stupid and incompetent. This one, this Bush, seems to be all three: Insane, stupid, and incompetent.

Anyway, my dreams tell me to go back to my crafts. Live in the moment. I'm going to listen to my Angels!


  1. How very sad that your mom passed away at Christmas time. I lost my mom many years ago too, and the holidays are not the same without her.


  2. Thanks Kate. It is hard when your mother dies. I thought I was a grown up old lady at 45 when she died, and when I was told I screamed," Not my Mommy, no no no!" Imagine that?

    I know what you mean about how much it changed the holiday.

  3. damama, I peeked at your blog and you have made such a wonderful start! I hope that you will keep writing your therapy. I do this on for therapy also. It's not too revealing of anything but the struggle we all share to stay sane in an insane world that's probably out to get us all. If you read the links to the Uniterian Jihad, you will be uplifted, or not, because of course the idea is to come to a reasonable compromise in all things. That of course has ever change of resulting in absolutely NOTHING ever actually getting done. But it's such a good way to live! heehee

  4. That should read every chance of.. not ever change of.. it's midnight, what other excuse have I... let's see... One eye is closed and mono vision is a sure road to spelling and grammatical hell?

    Take care now.. think I will go post on your blog now.. You need to start doing some more writing. It's fun!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..