"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

This is the other sock that is just out of view in the first picture; This one is Becky's.


  1. my mom crossed on the 22 december, it is 19 years this year.
    so I know how you feel.
    and now PLEASE tell me that the 'sister' I have left is a changling left by the fairys?
    alternatively please tell me that a HOUSE dropped on her?
    (yes THAT vi)

  2. vi, I think a house dropped on her. Lol!

    And, the 22nd is a special day for me. But I see that it is a day of remembrance for you. I know how you feel about your Mom. If she was even a bit like you, she made the world better.

    Take care, keep on knittin'!

  3. hey you are also supposed to post a post right???
    life in your house, insane animals.....
    knitted cozy something or others?
    and I really am hoping that a house drops on my sister
    I would be carted off, the headlines would read
    "hystical laughing woman DIES from excessive happiness"
    news at 11

  4. Aaaaahhh! Yours looks almost exactly like the one I'm working on! What yarn are you using?

  5. Agnes I am using Marathon in the great big ball. It looks like it might make 3 socks so far. It's called a rag yarn or something, white and another color plied together.

    How is your sock coming out. I finished one and will put it on hubby's foot and post the pic tomorrow.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..