"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, December 31, 2004

This is some of my favorite decor for the Sewing Studio. The Rubbermaids just don't do anything for the decor, I have to admit.


  1. I LOVE IT, an alter to the fiber arts
    hey my studio is no where nears as neat as yours.....
    it is disgraceful in it's disorganization,
    I must hang my head in shame and drown my sorrow in a peice of cherry pie. (which will further explain the shrinkage of the cast iron bathtub thing)
    I have never done low fire, I learned porcelain and always wanted to try low fire, but I only have the porcelain or china paint kilns, and nothing big enough for low fire.
    I have a wonderful pumpkin tureen in greenware that needs a larger low fire kiln
    can you move to pa?????
    inquiring violets want to know
    bring the kilns

  2. Oh Vi, I just saw this. *Hangs Head*

    Yes, but to ship the kiln it would require it to be recrated and sent by truck. It's better if you send me the greenware. Lol! My kiln also does porceliane, which I love to make. It does all the high fire things up to and including 10 stoneware. Now that is really what I'd like to do.

    How's the dolly coming? I'm still trying to get this blog onto the KR webring.

  3. would it kill ya to update once in a while???


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..