"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Well that stayed up for awhile.

They should take things off the internet if they are not free anymore, instead of making them disappear. Very careless.

I have knitted a little on the sock and am still trying to find alpaca yarn and a pattern. I want it to be a little bit ornate, cables or something. It's for Hubby and I want it to be blue and grey, like his eyes that look like a stormy sea.


  1. WHAT stayed up for a while?
    I am very confused
    we are still with heat
    yeah for heat
    and we are going up the mountain to neighbors
    but will be back probably in about 2 hours
    it is icey

  2. Well Vi, it was a gorgeous little butterfly gif, flapping it's wings. Then it flew right on off the blog overnight. I'm not smart enough to figure out how to make them stay. Butterfly jars?

    O Cruelty!

    I will post my First Mesa Story when it's written. Takes awhile to get it written, using faulty memory boards in your positronic brain is NOT a good idea!

  3. update occationally
    thaddeaus broke 7 dolls at last count
    bernie is ready to kill him

  4. Oh Vi, I am not surprised that someone wants to kill a cat. There is a point at which Bernie can see that you are more important, your mental health for one, than any cat. I think he is feeling that point approaching.

    I will update tomorrow. My cp unit was down this am because of a bad fan. The second one DH had to change out in a month.

  5. tonight Calpurrnia ( she who can do no wrong)
    did wrong, she chased poor 4007 year old amber into the studio three or 5 times and now is doing jail time
    she is not happy about her incarceration, however I can not condone her actions.
    so my blue eyed bad girl, is in jail.
    mother to a convict

  6. Well, that is something we all fear becoming, the mother of a convict. But, she will be out in no time, Vi. She is a good girl at heart. And it's just probably aggravated assault, right?

    Hey I did update and tomorrow I will post a story about second mesa and our trip there. And a package that arrived today. At last! And you can trust the US Mail. They are cool.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..