"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, February 4, 2005

Is it really almost Christmas again? Should I leave the tree up?

Darn it's been a long time. I've finished the two pictured socks. But the dread SSS has struck.

And housework, and yardwork. Weeds in California are on steroids because of all the winter rains we've had. They are almost as tall as I am, especially the mallow and lamb's quarter. But the authorities won't let us have goats or lambs in our suburban yards and more's the pity. They will allow great Danes, which cannot be induced to eat dandilion or lambs quarter or mallow, and even though Great Danes are bigger than lambs and a whole lot noisier, smellier and destructive. Sigh....


  1. first off ........get a dalmatian.....they will graze for you
    mine did and up at a friend of mine who bred them for years.... fields of dalmatians agrazing in the sun.
    second, mallow is a wonderful herb
    I use it in soap and hand balms..... not to mention in a decoction for diahrra..... TMI but it is try.
    you can also make real marshmellows with it
    as to lamb's quarters....... see point one above
    and also it is very very good for humans to eat, in a salad
    tons of minerals, trace minerals and such.
    about damn time you posted

  2. Amazing dalmations. I don't think I believe it! Lol... but I know you tell the truth, Vi. You have seen many strange things in your life. And perhaps the dogs are really a cross between a sheep dog and oh.. I don't think I can bring myslelf to say this...*cough* so I give up.

  3. you would have loved My kiss thedog
    She was an amazing little spotted wonder
    everyone who met her loved her
    even dog haters

  4. Dalmations are super friendly dogs. Who wouldn't love them. Well, maybe not tiny kids who are right at eyeball height for that whippy tail. heehee


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..