"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

No Sleep!

Hello Vi and maybe some bored family members who may be reading. Maybe others who lost their way in the blog?

Dear Diary. <<-- Hahaha.... *cough* I was awake very late last night (2 am) anyway so I frogged that sock back below the toe and then knit some of the rows back on to get it ready for today. Laying awake half the night thinking about too many things didn't make me appreciate it when DH's work called first at 6:30 and and at 6:45. I will be very glad when this summer is over. He will be off their merry-go-round for good. If they call after that I will ICE them. They will not be calling him for free advice on fixing things, how to route things in the system, NO FREEBIES AT ALL!

Gosh, I sure hope upper management reads my knitting blog. gonna get them someday!

Today, with practically no sleep, and little cognative powers, I will be putting two new socks on the needles after finishing my candy stripe. I'm knitting some pink ribbon socks now that Vi and Carpe Deum helped me figure out a strange "new to me" pattern notation.

Update: The sock is nearly up to the toe decreases now, and I have to be careful not to make it TOO long in compensation for the last faux paus. I did a Russian join on the sock yarn and I'll be blessed, you can barely see it. That's why I love the thing. Hope to get more pictures up of other projects like the afghan and the tee top WIPs that I've been inching along on between socks.

Speaking of faux, I just heard Fox News described as Faux News. That was great! Too funny!


  1. about time you posted more regularly
    since I do come here you know.
    btw, the hematoma is worse now...it is the entire base of the finger

  2. Vi you just have to have some one look at that finger. Yes, yes, I know. Not that easy. It would sure be good to know what happened to it. Once I hurt my sprained the webbing between two fingers by splaying it on the end of a door. It's not so hard to do when you think of it. Hope it's better soon, M'friend.

    Am I doing well staying away from the Alligator Pit?

  3. yes dear you are
    and I posted baby pictures

  4. Ah... so cute the babies! I saw them and I really want a teeny tiny goattie now for the back yard. You know the ones, the dwarf ones.

  5. it would not let me post here the other day
    well wait to you see the pictures of the goaties I got today
    oh man......


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..