"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, April 29, 2005

The Weeds Lose Some Ground

This morning, after waking up half dead as usual, I thought I felt pretty darn good so, I went out and pulled some more weeds. They are the worst looking things and nearly as tall as I am. But it rained a day or so and it makes it easier to get them out. I found a tortoise egg! She has buried a nest somewhere, I'm sure. Now I need to find it and protect it before any critters get into it.

I will take Poko Ono's picture and put it on the blog. She is a tortoise I rescued while working for Project Wildlife and has given us babies. Well, she and her mate have done so; he is a tortoise named Churchy that I've had for about 50 years. He was found in the road out in the desert and had been hit by a car. He was very tiny and now is very tame. So is Poko, and she likes to eat garden snails. He loves watermelon.

I've finished the blue socks and will show them off together here soon, and will bring all the other project pictures on line plus show you the beginnings of the Lettuce colored aran sweater started late at night on Tuesday.

My sister is coming over today and we will have tea and chocolate and a nice chatfest! I'm resting my back because it got twisted a little. Heating pad time!

WELL.... a little update here. Sis was too sick to come out today. She is going to take a nap and rest at home for the afternoon. She still works full time four days a week, and with Parkinson's symptoms seemingly unstoppable, meds and all, is getting more and more upset about fate. We all are getting more concerned now because of this setback.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..