"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

This adorable little friend reminds me of my knitting buddy, Jazzie. Since Jaz lays in my lap while I knit in bed, this struck me as a perfect tribute to him and what he might be learning vicariously. This is Grommit from the Wallace and Grommit movies. I saved bandwidth by making it a jpg file and saving it. I hope the producers, whose movies I adore, will not be unhappy with me.


  1. you can also ditch the 'edit-me' if you want and replace it with something like KR link or something
    I am having a real bad day btw, all kidding aside.
    dh and I had a huge fight

  2. I'm sorry Vi. I know how it feels to have those sorts of things. Hopefully the day will turn out better by this evening.

    About the buttons. I added in lines that weren't necessary and then couldn't figure out what was going on. Found the text they were talking about way on the bottom of the HTML source. Sheesh! Anyway, voila! Zee Booton! I will add more today.

    Here's to rainbows for you and dh.

  3. nothing much going on
    just saying hi

  4. That sounds like you are having a bad time, Vi. But reading your posts in the KR has assured me that you still have your sense of humor.

    It's raining just a little bit here and we need this and more except that I've found some GGH sock yarn and want to go buy it tomorrow. So, I will have to go in the rain.

  5. they are sort of distracting
    I can jump in and jump out
    but really things are not good around here

  6. oh that is dreadful. I hope that things are improving around there. I've got my teeth set about dark clouds on anyone's horizon whom I care a lot about. Ouch!

  7. well his highness.... ( bernie not thaddeaus this time)
    really needs to rethink his life and my position in it
    I am still highly pissed off
    but I am going to make damn sure I get all my medical stuff done before I have no insurance again

  8. OUch, vi... email me? I am listening... we'll have some tea and sympatico.

    Sending hugs for the best possible outcome in a tricky and crushing old world.

    It's past one am and I've been up way to long or I could think better.

  9. you turned off the comments?
    I want to see the tortise pictures
    say hihi to your sister
    and think of me while I am slaving away over a hot stove and warm oven
    sauce is now make as is stuffed peppers....
    stuffed cabbage is next
    and three muffins to freeze
    asorted marinaded beef cubes and breaded chicken breast after all that

  10. Vi, I'm sorry I was fooling with toggles trying to get comments to show like yours do, right in the same page. Like they used to on my first two templates. I didn't notice that the default of NO comments was still up.

    The only thing that I can say about you cooking so very much is that right now you are not freezing like you were in the middle of winter. I was so worried about you two this winter. It seemed absolutely unbearable. I love the way you can cook up a storm.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..