"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, May 20, 2005

A close up of the pattern which is lovely and pretty simple. Next time I make it I am using the colors of the sea!


  1. DYE it the colors you want
    who is got her foam ball but wishes it was purple

  2. No Vi, not this yarn, though it's a nice suggestion. I want it to be what it is.

    Next I will by the sea colors and make another afghan.

    By foam ball I'm thinking it's an exercise ball? I hope you are starting to feel better. I need more sleep is all that's wrong with me. :)

  3. it isn't foam actually, now that I got it
    it is 'blow upable'
    but yea it is a core stabilzer excersize ball
    and the excersizes while deceptively simple hurt like hell
    now my knee is hurting bad too
    but I think it is cause the shoulder pain is subsiding and I am just feeling the knee pain
    falling apart I am

  4. OUCH! How inconsiderate of your knee, after all the things you've done for it over a life time like taking it to see all the baby goats and sheep. Also, all those interesting excursions to all sorts of venues for life enriching experiences.

    Yes, you are right; the shoulder probably masked all the pain from the knee, plus your poor body has just been getting a very nasty overload of inflammation added on lately. Taking deep controlled breaths, or thinking about fleeces and dollmaking and wildflowers cannot transport you away anymore. I hope the excercise ball helps even though I know that having to look at anything but purple is not what you wanted to do at this time. I hate when a web page won't send you a specific color. They should know that crafty women LIVE for color. We want our colors and we want the ones we want!!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..