"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Those elusive Baby Tort pics

Sorry Karen and Vi, the baby tort piccies are on regular film, and I have to find the prints we had made of them. I was going to do that this AM but other things have popped up to get done. The power supply crashed yesterday and had to be replaced last night, and I have to down load a bunch of stuff today for firing the dichroic glass and getting my soak schedules just right for what I have. I will get those pictures up asap because all the kids want to see them, too. They didn't get to see them when they were really tiny. Gee. I forgot about that.

Megann, have fun with your new pets. Over time you will find out a favorite food and all the safe food, but never feed them potato peels. If I think of anything else I will send you a note. Oleander, of course. I think you probably know quite a bit already if you are adopting them. Let me know if you get piccies up somewhere cause I'd like to see them, too. You'll like them.


  1. ok I have never done any thing with the diconic glass
    ( which I probably misspelled.... sorry you will have to live iwth it)
    so 'splain to me lucy...... I mean lella

  2. It has that thin layer of metal foil on a surface that has to be protected from become vapor in the kiln, Vi, so you have to fuse it carefully in a sandwich of clear glass. You can't let it get too hot, over say, 2000 degrees. The reason for soaks and ramp ups and downs is to make sure that any stress in the glass gets relieved slowly, especially over the cooling time. Otherwise, you will have it cracking in two in a few weeks or months. Not so good for the pieces. I've got a picture of a piece I wrapped that I will put on the blog when I find the file, one of three that I made in the same general shape.

    After I fire the glass, I use the fine wheels to grind to shape and polish the piece and get it ready to wire wrap.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..