"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Today I stepped on the future, and Wars of the Past

Well I stepped on a tortoise egg that I was going to take a picture of. This accident happened while I was wrestling with it's father and trying to get a picture of HIM, the brute! The egg rolled off onto the ground and I stepped on it. It really had no future as anyone who knows about reptilian eggs realizes, and did it ever smell! Oh well, hopefully the dog won't try to stick his little nose under the flower pot I covered the evidence with to get a lick before I go out there and bury the remains! I so wanted to show you how big and how round they are.

I haven't been sleeping well at all so am not getting a lot of any sort of brain work done. I haven't worked on the dichroic glass pendants, and I haven't tried to knit. Just walking through my days in a haze trying to not run into the walls.

Vi I hope you had a great time at the Maryland show, and I am going to read that blog right away to see what you've been upto in your injured state.

Mother's Day was wonderful. We played all day in the MMPOG (MMPOLG for those who adhere to that protocol- I'm one of them) with our two oldest DDs. It's more fun than being a kid again! The Little Sisters, as they are called, sent me a sweet card, an e-mail, and the one who does radio dedicated her Sunday show to me, a very nice warm and fuzzy feeling sort of wrapped itself around me.

This is part of my writings on how I feel about War, since the subject was opened by my earlier remark about Churchy's and my relationship:

"War is an utter wasteland of human making that destroys lives and the earth for centuries after it has been fought. I think the reason is that we never admit that war solves nothing. We won't admit to ourselves that it only sets in motion other events to come, however far away into the future, that could, if we had the will to do so, be traced back to the original failure of diplomacy that caused the war in the first place. Lies become the truth, sadly, and we never really comprehend the way that they knit together a burial shroud for future generations. In truth, the British Empire should look just as bad and just as much a failure as the Roman Empire but we are still living with the falsehoods surrounding British "Empire". And, thus the march to war continues, based on lies that half a nation will be telling the next generation."

This is a link from CodePink, a Women Against War movement, to Julia Ward Howe's Declaration after what she saw and went through in the after math of the American Civil War.


Well, sorry, I can't seem to use the hot link feature very well so it's still a copy and paste sort of thing for CODE PINK there.....

I think Women can stop this madness if we get up out of our chairs and start showing everyone we are sick of the slaughter of innocent people and the aggression that comes with unopposed power. History has many stories to tell about power vacuums and how all consuming they are. We stand in the middle of life everywhere and have tremendous power only in a few of these places. Our power can be used properly and with a will. Why Not?


  1. a glass pendant, what other talents do you have I don't know about
    I haven't worked glass in over 35 years........sniff
    I would LOVE to make fireworked beads
    back from the wilds of md

  2. have you ever read 'arostophanie's Lystrata'?
    same deal...... different era.

  3. Oh yes, Vi. Yes. Here's a link.


    It's wordy and makes some of the same points. To me, this only re-enforces the idea that women, with more power than they have ever had, should band together to stop the carnage. Men would get the point if we refused to send sons and now daughters into battles over resources or occupation of the lands of others.

  4. Hey, welcome back from the Wilds. Sounds like you had some fun even though you gritted your teeth over that pain.

    I've been a metalsmith since my college years, Vi. I have made lots of different sorts of jewelry and it's been a lot of fun. Glass has always been more fascinating to me than gem stones. I also paint seascapes and draw people and animals with ink and pencil. I've had fun with all of it. A career got derailed by two adorable litte redhaired dollies who can along just when I was gearing up to hop back into Uni. If you change one single thing, you would change it all. I wouldn't change a thing.

  5. I worked as a silversmith and jewlery maker through art school

  6. So, you know that there are art majors hidden everywhere. Buhahahahaha!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..