"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Another day another row of knitting

I have managed very little knitting in the past several days but I did get about two sets of pattern rows done on a sock. I'm cleaning out things in my work areas and in the garage. Isn't it shocking how many fixer upper projects accumulate in very expensive space( according to the real estate markets)? Right now I'm going through things that have been gleaned to recycle and are stored in there. There is one hard wood frame chair that might actually make the cut! I just saw a similar one for sale at an import store. Yes, I got this from a neighbor who was tossing it. The hardwood frame drew me in like some sort of wood sniffing termite. How could I allow hardwood to go smashing to the dump? Is the re-cycle gene a curse or a blessing? Re-cycling can get any packrat inclined person into deep Kim Shii.

Speaking of ancient oriental cabbage, I know my chi is not flowing right. I was told this in a dream. So, keeping that in mind, I will now search out Chi on the web, and will find it if that is actually how it's spelled, and will be able to do something about the problem above. I will tell you what I find. This dream must have arisen because of spending so much time in Zorai last night, Dear Daughters. That can be the only explanation. But, I don't often remember dreams so this one is going to get the full glare of attention it obviously deserves. Stay tuned while I tune up my Chi so that it flows properly.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..