"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, July 5, 2005

Wow that's over!

Firecrackers in the middle of the night didn't happen this year. I wonder who moved away? Jasper can't stand the buzzing of a pager, but he is deaf to thunder and fireworks which is a blessing for him and that little ticker of his.

Ok.. I'm being brave today and will get the first row of that lettuce Aran and the stitch markers on tonight after midnight. It's quiet then, and I'm not a bit nervous at that time due to camomile tea, valerian root and various arthritis medicines smoooothing the way to sleep and mindless knitting. What comes of mindless knitting may be frogging but that will be tomorrow. So, tomorrow may just be Frogday, better known as Wednesday. For now this is the grand plan. My life is tiny, but it's all I've got. Using it well will be the best thing I could do with the gift. Thank you to the powers that be for giving me these fingers. I am soooo happy not to have been born a cloven hooved creature, though some may argue that point with me, philosophically speaking.


  1. frogday....cute term for a less than cute task...hehheh

    how's your pain today? does prolotherapy sounds familiar?odette's holistic vet mentioned that in passing last fri. he said that was for people but may be used for pets.i dun know much more, other than it is used for pain therapy....

  2. I will look Google that Pugknits. I've hear a lot about holistic types of treatments and some of it sounds very sensible. I need a holistic vet for my doggy, too.

    As you can see I tried to customize, changed the template an lost a lot of my cute little customizations. I've got to get them back now. Wahhhhh!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..