"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, July 2, 2005

All in A Day

My DSis came over on Friday with some good news and some bad news. She is getting worse, and though she feels better and is losing the edema that the medicine caused (25lbs worth) she has started to explore the possibility that she will be disabled sooner than she thought. She does not want to quit her job but it looks more like she won't be able to hang on to it. She works with her hands. Her head and other hand have started to shake now and there's just no stopping this disease. She has Parkinson's. I'm really not dealing with this very well, so I can only imagine what she is dealing with. Our brother is coming down for a visit after July 4th, so I imagine we will get together some and talk about this. I can feel my own life stalling out because of this sick worry so I know that this is happening to her. She is nearly ten years younger than I am so she has been my baby a long, long time.


  1. I am truly sorry to hear this about your sister.

  2. Thank you for your kindness, Karen. This is going to slow down the blog and the knitting as our family comes to grips with it. This may be a good time to start really living in the moment, and encouraging her to do so as well. There's still a lot of beauty in our world to see. My goal will be that she gets every possible chance to see it. There are obstacles due to other people, but we will get around them, she and I and my hubby.

  3. Zippiana, I wish the three of you all the strength you might need. Persevere!

  4. *hugs*tell your sis we said hi :)

  5. Thanks Karen and Pugknits, I will "wrap her up" in the kindness you've sent. I see my brother tomorrow or next day, so she will have four people close by whom she can really count on. We have to develop some sort of strategy in this. She's lived with me twice before and that is still a possibility if someone else doesn't change.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..