"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, July 2, 2005

The next project poised for the leap, the Lettuce Alpaca Blend yarn from Knitpiks. Please don't trust my camera, this is a nice color. DH is color blind so he sees this as a nice dark tan. Poor fellow. I keep dressing him in greens!

Also, can someone tell me what is wrong with my African Violet? I feed it and it blooms but something has to be wrong with it.


  1. Re: the african violet - you mean because of the spots on the leaves?

  2. Yes Karen. I do mean those spots which seem to be some form of internal problem. Maybe a plant virus like a mosaic virus? Otherwise it's healthy as can be and produces blossoms several times a year. Maybe it's a "host" plant for a harmless tiny world of one celled apartment dwellers. =o)

  3. Are you watering from the bottom? If you are not, the spots could be from the water hitting the leaves. Look under the leaves and see if you see white spots or webs. If so, you have spider mites or mealybugs. Your local plant place should be able to tell you what to use to get rid of them if that is the problem.
    I have 4 african violet plants and keep them in a plastic greenhouse. I also have many other plants with them. They seem to love it in there. I keep the front unzipped so air can still flow around .

  4. I second Calicokitty6.
    My african violets all have a permanent home on the bathroom window sill. They love the high humidity from my morning showers.

  5. Thanks Calicokitty and Karen. I have them in a drafty area (which probably isn't good) with lots of light and I do water from the bottom in special pots I fire for them that wick up moisture. I looked under the leaves on the speckly one to see if there were any spider mites or mealybugs and they look clean and perfect on that side. I'm going to try new soil next and some new food. I'll have four when I divide them out (One that I grew from a leaf has developed two little side plants). This thing might be genetic, but I'll take them to the best nursery here and ask them about it all per your suggestions. My area is very low humidity especially in summer. I like that greenhouse thing. Hmmm? Ideas...


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..