"Repent. Get clear. Get out!
Look Homeward Angels
"They are taking the Kingdom of Heaven by storm and doing it violence.”
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

"A Day in the Life" but what day? Saturday 9

A Day in the Life

Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: A Day in the Life (1967)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) According to Rolling Stone, this is the greatest Beatle song of all. What's your favorite Beatle song?    My Favorite Beatles song:

2) "A Day in the Life" took 5 days to record. Looking back on the last five days, what did you accomplish?

I got two occasional tables moved and rearranged, picked out another place for the drum table, and picked out a design technique for the one of the other ones that I've wanted to do for ages and now set to with a WILL of IRON!
This is to show the technique, my table is very small.
This is from an old magazine article that
I saved and uses paints and resists on an undecorated piece, which essentially what I have.
The table I have was an old kidney shaped, pine table that use to have swing out arms and a glass top before the top was cut into a rectangle and the arms removed. It's served as an end table all these years.  Now it will be booooteefooool!

I also got the weaving yarns separated and bagged to go north, and the cone yarns, and one or two other little messy things cleared up.  Spent an afternoon with my sister and Bro in Law, and, I went to get a flu shot, which is quite a trek for us.  Planned three butterfly bushes for the side yard, and by the STARS they WILL be planted this winter unless I am dead.     heehee  I'll be pushing up butterfly bushes!

3) This song is the highlight of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, the first album released after the Beatles gave up touring. Critics predicted that, when they abandoned live concerts, their creativity would wane. Obviously this wasn't the case. When has someone underestimated you?  Critics always want to be right.  They make their living from that.  I hope that I understood the question... This is my point of view.  I think people have most likely underestimated me my whole life.  I am completely focused in a different direction than they.   Nowadays, I just don't care anymore what people think about my life. If they want to talk about my eccentric little ways, it's fine.  If they don't, still fine.   I know who it is that I wish to please, and I am focused on that "mission", so to speak.

4) The song says our hero "woke up, got out of bed, dragged a comb across my head." How is your hair right now? Are you prepared to go out and face the world?   I get up in the morning and drag a brush through my hair, put it back with a scrunchy, and wash my face.  I don't have to face the world all that often and believe me, after all the hyperactivity in my past life, I am enjoying this a whole lot!

5) The lyrics tell us he had to hurry to catch the bus to work. When is the last time you rode public transportation?  Years ago.  We have a trolley here and if the seats weren't made of the hardest plastic known to science, I'd ride it a lot more.  I'd love to go down to Mission Valley or Old Town on the trolley.

6) "A Day in the Life" was a true Lennon-McCartney collaboration. Conventional wisdom is that Paul is easy going while John was edgy. Is your temperament more Lennon or McCartney?  To be honest, I think that John was the rocker, and Paul was the balladeer.  Paul was a little too bossy, and I'm not like him at all.  John was a mystery muse with a heart; temperamentally, I'm more in John's camp than in Paul's.

7) "A Day in the Life" came out five years after the Beatles replaced their drummer. Taking over for Pete Best was undoubtedly the biggest break of Ringo Starr's career. Tell us about a time when fortune smiled on you. 
When I met my husband those many long years ago. Annnnd.....  Speaking of Pete Best, HERE is a very good interview of Pete by Zachary Stockill.  Pete Best is still playing his drums, and is still very good at it.  I like to think of the saying, "The best revenge is to have lived well."  And though he's not the vengeful type, he has.   I am a guitarist and a slave to the drums.  LOVE drums!

8) It would be hard to overestimate the Beatles' impact on popular culture. Their story and music have inspired a Broadway musical, a Las Vegas show, two movies and, according to Amazon, 900+ books. What's the most recent biography you read?  I Am Hutterite  but most recent, I suppose, is Three Wild Swans .

9) The Beatles are an ongoing boon to England's tourism industry. Fans from all over the world visit Liverpool each year to see where the Beatles grew up and got their start. If you won a trip to England, tell us what you'd like to see.  I'd like to see, and spend time in, most of England from the White Cliffs of Dover to the West Country around Liverpool.  Hadrian's Wall would be interesting, and Scotland, absolutely!  Definitely, I still want to see Ancient Wales and maybe even the Hebrides if there is time.

Thanks so much for joining us again at Saturday: 9. As always, feel free to come back, see who has participated and comment on their posts. In fact sometimes, if you want to read & comment on everyone's responses, you might want to check back again tomorrow. But it is not a rule. We haven’t any rules here. Join us on next Saturday for another version of Saturday: 9, "Just A Silly Meme on a Saturday!" Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Duh, I didn't even think about Scotland being part of the UK. I have Scots in my blood so definitely would want to head there!

    1. The pipes, the pipes are calling us, CountryDew! Me, too... :-)

  2. i didn't know that paul was bossy. from your descriptions i might be more john, i think?

    1. lia, I'm probably wrong about the bossy thing. I do remember that McCartney usually called the shots about what song got recorded or not. I think that on the whole, he was a pop music machine and John, Ringo, and George got a word in here and there.

  3. I'm so impressed that you chose "Act Naturally." That was an album cut, never got much airplay, so must really be a fan.

    I think your quote from St. John (right sidebar) is very appropriate. "All you need is love," right?

    And congrats on the table

    1. I am a fan of really great tunes. I think "Act Naturally" is one. And yes, I'm a Beatles fan.

      Yes, indeed, my friend, "All you need is love". Children thrive with it, communities, too, and the disheartened and abandoned people - as well as the other earthlings - thrive on it. Thanks about the little table.

  4. I think most of the time critics are opening their mouth just to get noticed. Especially the political ones...

    1. Hey there Harriet. Agreed to a point. Critics, well, they certainly get noticed, that's true. Music critics are paid to voice opinions, and Political critics are OK with me, as long as some nefarious "Wizard of Oz" isn't secretly paying them to lay down lines leading away from the real issue, or trying to Bird Dog the people off the trail of a civil rights violation.

  5. I would love to get back to London. Or anywhere in Europe. So much has changed since I was there.

  6. I hope that you get a chance to re-visit the Continent, and London, too. I would love to see Slovakia and the Eastern European countries that have re-emerged. Also, I want to visit Latvia, and Estonia and Lithuania! Ah! It's the Bohemian in me for the Eastern countries, and the pure joy of seeing the Balkans free at last!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..