"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Leaving again soon for another eating party. hehe

Yesterday was a busy day

First Ceramics club and chatting with all my friends there, and then we took the doggie to his groomer.

DH and I snagged a lunchtime salad at the food court at the Mall, and bathroom accessories for a redo of our little green bathroom. What fun, shopping for new stuff!

Then it was off to buy some shorter circ needles at a local shop ( Two Sisters Ana Ewe ) and snagged some DK superwash for socks at a 30% discount. Yeay! I need the shorter circs for the mystery shell. I've been courageously trying to read the confusing little bits and pieces of how to make it. It's getting clearer.

Today was a drive behind DH to drop off a vehicle, bring him back, a rush to a mammo gram, go shopping at home depot for more new stuff, stop off and renew my business registration, and home to type this out with a promise to do the the Luna pix again, and then get ready to go eat with rockhound friends. I'm taking my pino grigio slaw. I call it "mine" because I don't use pino grigio vinegar. Far to expensive!

Oh yes. And I actually got to wander around Trader Joe's with DH. They have five hundred kinds of cheese in there I bet. I don't get out enough. You can tell this, I bet.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..