"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2005

A Day in the Life of Wee Doggie

No knitting though I'm getting organized better.

Marji and Karen, Jazzie went to the vet and $302.00+ later he has some meds for his infection.

The battle to get a large-ish antibiotic pill down him twice a day begins tomorrow. He's really good at getting it back out, so we stand him on the tile floor so we can see where he spits it out. I think 5 times is a record but he may surpass that in the days to come. There is nothing you can wrap it in that will get past his nasal radar. And, if those big brown eyes could speak he would be saying, "You may be the alpha female but I don't want that icky food, and you should just give it up already!" There are also eye drops but that will be lots easier. His temp is now back down to normal.

I'm copying out any and all suggestions on the Yahoo Groups Louet Wheel group for me and for DD that sound remotely applicable to beginning wheel spinners. From the looks of this, all beginners get globby yarns if they get anything at all, so this is going to be outrageously funny and fun. I can hardly wait to get with it. Just a few more days to go.

Tonight we had dinner with our little rockhound rotation group and I am soooo jealous of my best friend's new kitchen. It is so lovely! With all her task lights on tonight, and the dining room put back together, it's really a lovely room. My kitchen here is last to be done. We still have to plan it out in last detail. It's never been remodeled since the house was built in the 50's so there is a lot to think about. After what has happened to our country in the last three weeks, I no longer feel that I am in anyway deprived by not having had this done already. I just feel my blessings like never before.

Marji, so far no more tremors in San Diego but a micro quake in Anza, about 70 miles away in the last hour, and there has been a cluster in the last day all along the San Andreas Fault. In fact, if you look at the quakes, you can follow the fault line right there. That map link will refresh to the latest quake if you click on the "latest Quake" tab at the top of the map, then on California, then on the red or blue tab. I am pretty fascinated by quake activity.


  1. Vets are so expensive! I was given liquid antibiotics for my dog last visit. Much easier to give. Have you tried cutting the pill into smaller pieces and putting it in peanut butter? Works when we do have to give our little dog pills, but she'll pretty much eat anything. Take care of Jazzie!

  2. Ah yes, Alison, vets sure are expensive! But... they are so much like pediatricians, nowadays, with their ability to do blood panels, other diagnosics tests, and extensive training. But, I can see I won't be getting my spinning wheel very soon. Lol.

    Thanks for the tip on peanut butter, I greased up that pill and got it down him in two tries tonight, after three and a half this am. Very clever! Hope it works again tomorrow. He may be off peanut butter though. These little dogs are such a crack up the way they are too smart for their own good.

  3. That is a truckload of money. Geez!

    I always hide pills in ground beef or liverwurst. It works everytime, even with the cat (liverwurst).

  4. Hope your dog is better soon. What would we do without our loving little guys around?

  5. Heck yes, Karen, a truckload. It's almost the full cost of my lovely longed for wheel. I can look at my little red lambiepie and think, "fleece of the future?" Liverwurst is yummy, so I can switcheroo him if he goes off peanut butter. ;-) Pill down in two tries this am. The pattern is holding.

    Hi Joanm. Ah, what would we do? I was so lonely when he came along and brightened up my life. Our lovely cat was long since gone and Jaz became my knitting kitty.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..