"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, September 5, 2005

Digging out the spinning books

I am going to be helping my DD soon with spinning on her new wheel, and may be ordering a wheel for myself soon, too, so it's time to gather all the spinning stuff up including the books. I'll post some pictures of the process if I have time over the next few weeks. DH is getting a dumpster ordered for the remodelling. We'll see how this all plays out. Hee hee.

Everything else is at a stand still at the moment, so little time to blog.

Jazzie got bitten in the face by a friend's small but slightly larger dog who has always been mean to him. She attacked him while I was feeding him something and nearly got my hand, too. I am really angry that her owners think that it's funny when she does what she does. He is not her only victim. Other dog owners in her neighborhood stay away from her, and she isn't leashed when she is walked because "she is 15 years old and sort of slow", according to her owners, who are in their 80s. They are good friends but have this blind spot.

Anyway, what is happening is that she hurt his eye and the tears are draining down into his sinus cavity and he is sneezing to get the extra moisture out. I'm trying to figure out if I can use my eye drops in his eye or not but will probably buy some especially for dogs. He's eating well, and drinking his water. Since we are retired I can't over react and take him to the vet all the time since the vet is $100 just for the prelim visit. I really wish I WAS a vet.


  1. Poor Jazzie :-(
    Hope he feels better soon!

  2. Thanks Karen, he's getting a little better everyday. He's not sneezing constantly anymore and his eye is not tearing as much.

    She gave him a vicious slash across the face. I'll just have to keep her well away from him when I'm trying to feed him anymore. This happened in neutral territory so she had no business making so bold.

  3. Look forward to seeing some spinning pics.

  4. Hope Jazzies doing better still

    How goes the tremors? Any more lately?
    Wishing you well on your schedule


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..