"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, September 2, 2005

Two Little Earthquakes two days in a row

I was just typing in a comment and another little tremblor struck, rocking the desk the keyboard sits on. They are the sort that seem deep. I just looked it up and it was centered in Tijuana, just across the border with Mexico.

Earthquake five minutes ago

And the other one yesterday was, too. Things are on the move.

Today, I was on the move, and got myself two new knitting books. My sister and Hubby and I went to have lunch and stopped in at the local Barnes and Noble. DH gave me his gift certificate and I bought Vogue Knitting Very Easy Knits, and Exquisite Little Knits. I looked at some others but chose these because of the patterns in them. Wow! Gorgeous books. Tomorrow I'm staying home and out of the shops! DH bought me two tiny earring sets, little stars and crosses with CZs in them. I am not a diamond sort of girl, but I do like the sparkley little CZs.

These quakes have me edgy. It's nerve wracking waiting for some other disaster to strike with New Orleans in ruins and so many people dead or suffering. Money is all there is to offer when you are so very far away. We are still waiting to hear the fate of an ex sweetheart of an co-worker of my sister. I've stopped reading about it and even reading the comments people have made about it.

I'm angry that our government has sent so many of the national guard units to Iraq, for their own nefarious purposes, and now we have too few people to help here at home. There, I've gone and had a controversial opinion planted in the blog, something that I was going to avoid at all costs.


  1. Zippi, You said "There, I've gone and had a controversial opinion planted in the blog, something that I was going to avoid at all costs."
    Well, maybe the cost to you of NOT saying it was higher than running the risk of starting a political discussion in your blog. We all have opinions and sometimes we just need to express them.
    But I think we can all respect your wishes not to engage in a discussion here about it. There are forums for those discussions.

    Hope the tremors stay just tremors.

    What projects are you looking at? Planning is Soooo much fun. What have you got going right now?

  2. Hi Marji, really it's fine if we have a discussion, what I didn't want is to have a troll...you know those sorts... show up and start using bad language, as one did the last time I cut loose with a rant about Dubya and his ways. Polite discussion is always welcome but that one was so raw so I deleted it and sealed my lips.

    Ah, knitting fun! I have the three UFOs, which I'm trying to work on daily, and now I'm looking at starting a little chenille raglan jacket from the Vogue book DH got me yesterday. There's a purple chenille sweater in a piccy on the blog that will be frogged and that yarn used for the raglan jacket. It wasn't going right at all.

  3. Earthquakes ARE evil. During the year that I lived in Monterey there were tiny ones every now and then, and the made me very uneasy. Gave me nightmares, actually (I was 12 then).

  4. Oh Karen, that must have been scary. I've been here forever and so am used to them, but the last two big ones, and the Coalinga one really were from hell. I can't imagine what a really big one will do. We will just have to wait and see, I suppose. Til that time, I always thought they were fun and exciting. Crazy, I know.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..