"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, October 24, 2005


At camp one night I could hear little kittens crying. This katterwaling started after dark and went on intermittently for a couple of hours until I finally dashed out into the dark to find out what was going on. DH was right on my heels.

We found another very young couple, who spoke with a Dutch or Danish accent, who were as alarmed as we were.

They told us that someone had put two tiny kittens into the rest room. As soon as I went inside the door the tiniest babies came running right up to me, crying. I scooped them up, and cuddled and cooed to them while all the humans chatted a bit. Soon, off DH and I went, all the way back to our rig, much to DH's dismay and the relief of the young couple. I'm sure that they were very happy that "kitty fate" took a turn for the best and was now in the hands of a Grandmother. Describing it later to our daughters, DH said, "Your mother went crazy, as if she had found the baby Jesus in there!"

The babies were adorable and soon we had them eating some cream as they bit the heck out of our fingers with needle teeth in the process. Unhappily, cream was all we had to feed them so I remembered to do all the things that were necessary to insure their health. You know, the warm water thing on the underside of the tail thing. That went off well, but they would NOT stop crying. It was getting late and desperation was setting in. Two screaming kittens are loud! Jazzie was interested the whole time and didn't try to attack them which surprised us no end.

I settled them both into the small tub of the rig on a soft, thick towel. Since one of them, whom we started calling PITA, kept trying to kill the other one, whom we called Sammy(after our beloved dearly departed own black cat of many moons ago)I had to separate them with the net clothes hamper and close PITA up inside of a box so that she/he would not climb over and scratch out Sammy's little eyes. After the light was out, blessed silence.... The next morning they were sleeping right next to each other with the netting between.

Our kitten adventure had a happy ending. The next morning Angelic Sandi took over their care. It was very hard to not keep one. Yes, Sammy almost went on the rest of the trip with us.


  1. thank you for recuing them! your DH's comments were funny! :)

  2. God bless you for taking them and getting them in good care!

    How one can abandon kittens like that is beyond me and I find it completely heartless.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..