"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Louet gets shiney but still has a problem

Picasa fails again. But this is the final finish for the Louet. Now it's just the fitting it all together. This is a warm, sunny and still day in SoCal, so perfect weather to finish the wheel.

It's fitted together and in the house under the tree. Not enough light for a piccie but tomorrow is another day. The trouble is that the leaders are all on the wrong end of the bobbins. They came that way, all fitted together with it on the wrong end. Now what? They do not come apart... we tried to get them apart.

I've emailed my dealer. This is getting a little depressing. Maybe I'm not meant to have gotten this wheel.


  1. Gosh, it's huge! And wonderful! Sorry about the messed up bobbins though - hope the mfg replies soon!

  2. Well, you see Karen, part of it is on one saw horse and part on another, sort of like the magician's assistant sawn in half. When it was put back together, without the offensive looking wooden beasts between, it became really small, and it fits right in front of a chair. It's very tote-able. You'll see tomorrow when I get a piccie of it after the surgery was completed.

    My poor dealer must have pulled his hair out after hearing from me yet again, and I feel reaaaally bad about emailing him. :=( Methinks I should have just looked around the web and found the clever low tech solution first. Those yarn leaders come out or break and people just make do. If he can hear me from here, "I'm sorrrrryyyyyyy Mr. B!"

  3. Happy Belated Birthday! *hugs*

    i'm sorry....i hope your wheel gets put together by christmas....i wish i could help, but i'm not familiar with louet wheels....me send you spinning vibe!*fingers dancing* :)

    when you fix this, you'll be spinning! plow on! you're that near!

    *more spinning vibe* more more spinning vibe*


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..