"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Life marches on...

I have seen enough of death and separation to know that life must go on. It's not that you get used to it, it's just that you learn that it's always there, is death, and that as long as you are alive, you must pick yourself up and go on with what is left of your emotions and lifeforce for the sake of others who love you.

So, I spend time baking the annual fruit/nut cakes from Sunset magazine's recipe for sending to my daughters, and their Dad made them a big baking dish of marshmallow fudge. Christmas still seems like it's gone by to me because of many reasons not the least of which is that big party last week.

Tomorrow (actually now it's today) for my birthday, the spinning wheel is getting it's final coat of finish and when that is dry, it will be set up for spinning. I'm up awfully late tonight so Hubby will have plenty of peace and quiet to carry out this labor of love for me.

The pink lace socks have been, indeed, claimed by the child to whom they were offered, and there is just the kitchnering of the toes to finish off and they will be on their way North to her. Not a Christmas present, but just a little I Love You one. As soon as the toes are finished, the next socks will be on the needles-- the delicious wildfoote :=) yarn from my KR sock buddy exchange--- and I'm starting a roll brim hat with the sport weight Lorna's Laces from My Gift Elf from KR. I will put up all pictures later today if I'm not thoroughly flogged from being up all night. Sorry there are no pictures at this time.

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I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..