"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Today is a sad day

Today is both my 63rd birthday, and it's the day that a friend is being buried, far too young, bright and beautiful. We all thought, those who were communicating with her in the KR, that she was going to be able to go home for Christmas. She had been battling the initial double pneumonia that sent her there, and I thought she was winning the battle

I had said a special prayer for her on the night that she died, not knowing that this tragedy was to come for her, and thinking that she would be going home for the Holidays to her family and Fiance. I'd wondered why she hadn't picked up the card that I'd sent her telling her all my wishes for HER wish to come true.

Nearly three years ago another friend, one with three teenage daughters, so young, so full of life and such a beautiful soul, passed away after pneumonia started a cascade of illness that took her life.

If you have a bad cold that settles in your chest, DO NOT ignore it. Get it checked out. I've done the very same thing and came close to being hospitalized with pneumonia.

I just do NOT want this preventable tragedy to happen to any of you who read here. Please watch when a cold settles in your chest. Please check out this page so this silent killer does not stay for a visit with you.

Pneumonia Page for Medical Doctors


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. My birthday wish for you, my friend, is peace and renewal.

  2. We'll all miss her, Lella. I hope the rest of your birthday was more enjoyable, and the turn of this next year is a happy one.

  3. Annie, thanks so much, m'friend, and I know that you've already said a little prayer for Cam's family and friends.

    Oh Lanea, we sure will all miss her. We won't forget her, that's for sure. She took you straight into her heart, so she did. Everything to love was in our C. Teri's wish for her in the KR is one that we all can share as well. Thanks, too, for your BDay wishes.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..