"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Wednesday, December 7, 2005

Pink sock progress, without much annoying detail.. Yes, it's blurry but ....

...that way you can't see all the mistakes.

This is the worst picture, both for color and clarity, but it does show that progress is being made! Why Hello is working again and Picasa2 isn't is a mystery, but we all love a good mystery. Thank Heaven I didn't rip Hello off the computer when picasa2 was uploaded.


  1. Oh, thank you Karen. To think that at last these little twisted sisters will be finished! And they have a good home to go to.

  2. Those socks are so lovely. Almost I am tempted to try socks

  3. cute socks. I love the color. I'm on a pink kick these days...don't know why...
    kknitter from KR forums

  4. great socks. love the texture in the ankle, and of course I love the color.
    ok, I had to LOL. Just went into your May archives to look at the pic of the afghan - and read where you said "next time I make one of these it will be in colors of the sea" or words to that effect. LOL, planning another afghan so soon? want to be wrapped inside that one and pinned in with horsepins until you re-think?

  5. Thanks, Joanm, and you definitely should try some socks. They are lots of fun and quite easy, too. Honest..

    Kknitter, pink fabric, yarn, buttons, web goodies- like the rabbit blogger button- always get my hands moving. I love pink. It might come from having burnt my retinas when I was a kid and liking the pink haze that ensued. But what do you think brought on your pink kick? Tell all?

    Marji, thanks and the texture at the ankle is a slip every other stitch on the heel knit stitches. About that old afghan, Oooof! Did I say that? *slaps forehead* What was I thinking? Gah! I'll possibly make a face cloth in the pattern in sage greens. It's a very pretty pattern. Yes, please wrap me up and horsepin me into this one if another afghan is ever mentioned again... ;o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..