"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, December 5, 2005

Replacement arrives.... On time and PERFECT!

And Hubby is putting the finish on it now. It looks even better to DHs eyes than the first one, which was pretty perfect itself, and we hope that it spins as true as the first wheel. By now I had hoped to have some nice soft thick and thin as a first project, plied, to make a hat for DH for all his troubles and $$. heehee..

They didn't want it back it seems, so I think I will glue the split and make a wall decoration with it. These Louets are things of beauty, and even though they are small, they made the S-75's really beautiful.

Pinch me?


  1. Yippee! You finally got the replacement! Happy spinning!

  2. Finally! Now off you go -- have fun!

  3. OOoUCH!!....LOL

    what color is the finish?

  4. Thank you gals! Thank you all very much!

    I will have fun with my wheel as soon as the grand partay (!!) is overwith for the rockhound group. I'm trying to get all the grit up from the remodel and stash away all extraneous bits of ugly decore as the party is next Wednesday. Where did the time go?

    Hehe Pugknits, ouch! Ah, Zee color is light oak with zee clear finish going over that. Truly, I would have liked a darker finish but my eyes would not have liked it.

    Just as soon as the picasa/blogger pictures thing is working right again I will post the pictures of the parts... they just have the oak finish on them so far. One more coat to go!

    Tonight I'm as nervous as a cat. It can't be the full moon because there isn't one! What is it???? Yip, yip, Yeeeowwwwww!


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..