"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Reading up

I have been trying to get back to the end of that yarn puff at the oriface on the wheel. Finally the Amos Book came in at the library so I've been reading it. I now know that

1. I don't want to even OWN a fleece, let alone wash one, and

2. I will never try to grow my own flax much less process it. It's nice to know the limits of your patience and strength.

The heel to the sock was coming out too narrow, so now I'll just stick on a generic heel and go on down the foot. It's time to dig out that pattern for the Aran sweater and go for it. Karen, thank you. I will just do it!

Pugknits has some luscious yarns on her web page that you should all see. She has a gift I tell you! Go see?


  1. Can't wait to see that Aran sweater!

    I am impressed. Very!

  2. lella, looks like you need to be gifted with some fleece! that was exactly how i felt until ladyV's jacobs change my mind. i dun detest it as much, now.

  3. Hi Karen, Last night I pulled out the sweater and stuck three stitches on the first pattern row of the back. Planning more this evening. Thanks for being my aran coach. I really do appreciate the encouragement.

    Pugknits, I have just read a hand spinning book (needed help sorting out drafting), and the author washes small amounts in a bowl, as you have on your blog. I'm going to get brave and order at least a little bit of unwashed fiber when summer rolls around. Jacobs was what was suggested to me a long while ago when first this mania for a spinning wheel struck. =o) It must be very nice stuff.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..