"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Aran Isles Sweater, and a Murder by Torture.

Karen, I am getting it out tomorrow and staying away from the computer to get my head back. The sweater will certainly help.

Tonight I cried and cried over the fact that Iraqi patriots are dying and our soldiers are being used to administer torture and to torture to death people in a country where said patriots are dying for their OWN land, THEIR OWN LANDS, for the love of Christ. And it is just too much for me to bear anymore. Are so many of my people really blind to this UGLY, unspeakable Irony? Don't they even see what is happening?

I read too much bad news, news analysis, and today was the last straw. Being impotent after a whole life of caring deeply about Peace and Justice is causing heart pain. And having my own country go down the road it's going and not being able to stop it for even the blink of an eye is going to kill me. I have the word of my doctor on this.

So, I am going to knit and to spin yarn, and try to save my heart. And anyone who doesn't agree that THAT which is above is what is happening, I don't care what you think. I'm through thinking we can have a dialog with people who can't see torture, see we are doing it, and know what it is that it is doing to our sons and daughters!

I am sick to death of the lies, the greed, the arrogance and the aggression that is Washington DC.


  1. Don't you know we are "defending" our country?

    Go spin. You'll feel better.

  2. Aye, so we are told, and like the good sheep they want us to be, all we should do is say Baa baaa....

    Your yarn is gorgeous stuff! Thanks for posting so that I could go get a look at it. I want to spin and dye yarns like yours and PugKnits. RAARRRRR!

  3. oh,..lella.......

    i try to not think about the big thing anymore. it is beyond my sanity. my limit is my day job people.......then i run home to my pugs and spin and dye. the worse things are, the more i seek solace in other things that makes me feel better...

    i hope you'd feel better soon. you need to take care of yourself, yeah?

  4. Knit. Watch something lovely on TV and knit. It's the best therapy ever and it works for me every time.
    Sending hugs your way.

  5. AMEN and a second for "What she said". I have given up on watching the news and listening to NPR (that's so depressing I can't stomach it for even a few minutes). Go and knit. It will help, the rhythm, the yarn, the solitary focus of creating something beautiful. Peace be with you.

  6. I want to thank each of you for your comments, support and suggestions of how to regain balance and harmony. I'm taking every suggestion seriously because I've NEVER been this far down before.

    I've also stripped every home page setting for "news" off my favorite web "home" pages so that they aren't there teasing or enraging me whenever I log in to just read emails. Peace to you all, and thank you for helping and caring.

  7. Thanks for your comments on my blog! I look forward to keeping up with yours too. Yours is great!

    On another note, I'm totally with you on the political front. It's very depressing - and now they're looking towards Iran for more war. Will it ever end?

  8. Prof. knitwit, thanks for stopping by. :)

    To answer your rhetorical question, it won't end 'til WE run out of money or the people wake up. I can see the aptly named "pinheads in Washington", thanks Trish, chanting, "Eeeny meeeny miny mo.." and looking both at Syria and at Iran. What a world. We all will have to knit day and night to stay sane.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..