"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

In a slow upward spiral she rises, singing

Well, not really singing, more like gurgling.

I've taken the suggestions of all to heart. I cannot thank you all enough for making them.

So far three stitches on the aran sweater. God, only three? But there they are. I've promised myself at LEAST a stitch a day.

And the TrekkingXXL arrived yesterday. I'm going to put some on the needles soon.

The spinning wheel is getting moved to the light, so that I can spin during the day by the window where I can see the Cape Honeysuckle in full bloom, and watch the little hummingbirds.

My fever and cough is almost gone. On the mend. Will post the progress on the sock heels in a couple of days


  1. I'm glad to read this news. Keep feeling better, even if it's one stitch at a time.

  2. I agree. Good to hear that you are feeling better, albeit slowly.

    I envy you those hummingbirds - there are none in Europe.

  3. it sounds like it is brighter there today and it's great to know that you're chirpier! *hugs*

  4. lella, i need you email, please.....thank you

  5. Thank you so much Jane, and Karen and Pugknits. My Mind is on the mend, and therefore the heart, and the best medicine will be found, according to my chinese fortune cookie. =o) It's always hopeful when chance agrees, yes?

    Jane, it's always a struggle for people like me in this area, but with friends far and wide in KR, SW, my DH, DDs and DSis and friends of like mind, it's been getting more bearable. Isolation is not a good thing. I'd love to live in the Bay area.

    Karen, the hummingbirds are a real joy. So sweet, so funny, and SO LITTLE! They have lots of natural foods in our garden because of the citrus trees and the honeysuckle. Soon there will be a whole row of Buddlea bushes, too, for even more nectar. My brother took some pictures a few years ago. I will try to scan them and put them on the blog.

    Pugnits thanks for the hug. I am chirping again. Maya Angelou comes to mind, in her poem, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..