"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Here's the Costa's Hummingbird that came and camped our backyard for several years to defend "his" feeder. We finally put up feeders in the front yard, too, so that the migrant hummingbirds, like Allen's and Rufus and Blackchins could get a drink.


  1. Trish, we've always wanted to go to that the Hassayampa Preserve, and another one in a canyon that I can't recall the name of, during migration but have never been there at the right time. This birds are the most amazing little creatures. We love the Nature Conservancy, too. They have done wonderuful preservation projects! Along with other groups who are just as hard working, they worked to save one of our favorite places here in California, a great big piece of Central Coast, namely the coastal part of Hearst Ranch.

    Also, I can see that my photos of the Costa's are just not anywhere as good as my brother's of the Anna's. He has awesome cameras. I'm sooo jealous! heehee DB, I am going to catch up some day!

  2. They're so beautiful - they always seem to kind of "float" on the air. I remember seeing them when I lived in California as a child.

  3. The are beautiful little birds Karen. My oldest friend, who is Turkish, was here as an exchange student. When she saw them she described them as Bee Birds. I think that fits perfectly with what you have said.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..