"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Time? Where does it go?

How does it go?

The daily dose of Bad News. That's a real thief of time. I was always a believer that you could, if you didn't pay attention to what was going on, wake up someday and discover that there was a war going on. Well, I paid attention for years, and I've seen so many wars started over lies that it's finally struck home that it doesn't matter if I pay attention or not. I have no power to stop what bad people decide to do on that level. But we should know at least what it is taking away from the children, as it is indeed, stealing their houses, and their lives, just as President Eisenhower predicted it would. I've found a counter I lost track of (thanks Catherine) and put it up.

An example of time well spent is to spend time with people. All people, even those who are so emotionally needy that they seem to almost suck you inside out, are worth the time someone spends with them. I've learned that if you spend time with them you actually help them, even in some small way, to become all that they were meant to be from the beginning. The beginning is that time before Life handed them Grief to chew on instead of Sweetness. So you take the time. The tricky part is letting them go at the proper time. This letting go is so that they can go on down the trail of their lives with at least a few nicks and scratches healed from the pain of living and be healthier.

I've learned that it's never a waste of time to contemplate beauty or kindness or gratitude.

I've started listening to some CDs, done by Pema Chodron, that my daughters sent at Christmas time. I've recently read a book of hers, also sent to me by the girls, and liked this calm woman's outlook so much that I'm looking forward to hearing more from her.

The sweater is coming along so nicely. I've kept the 41-32-41 count on each row of the pattern, up to row 8 so far, and it's not turned into a nightmare of typos that it first appeared it would be. I've set up the heels for the socks to be knit tomorrow morning. I've gotten great advice from Rissa about my spinning (thank you Rissa!), and I've got things to try to keep a wad from developing in my hand instead of the smooth pass of twist and draw at the wheel.


  1. Thank you for the beautiful words, dear one. Here on my little piece of the planet, at least, this day will be better because of what you wrote. knit on -- it's helping.

  2. Thank you Jane. I feel better just knowing you are out there and knitting and living your life with your gently and kind ways. And yes, knitting is helping and the spinning is getting less scary, too. hehe

  3. Such a lovely way to approach all relationships. I really appreciated this post. Just fyi, my mom's surgery went well and she will be home Monday. I'm getting lots of knitting time in while she naps! Unfortunately the world of Atys is not available to me here, and I am missing all of you. Socks will have to take its place this week. I'm turning the heel on both and they are the talk of our little bit of the hospital.

  4. Hi wabbitmom and thanks. I was wondering where you were as I saw you logged into KR and left a PM for you. I am sooo glad that the surgery went well for your Mom and that she will be home by Monday.

    I'll bet the socks are getting attention. After awhile, you develop a sort of knitting radar, too, and even something as small as a sock on the needles does not escape it. It sounds like knitting them is helping you to keep your hands and mind busy while sitting by the bedside.

    I've been looking for you on the big Rootball so now I know why you aren't there. Keetch has been secretive about his potato chips and I'll bet he's eaten all that cake. already. heehee

    Take care and see you soon. The week will really fly by.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..