"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Tuesday, February 7, 2006

One little quotation mark and poof!

Finally tracked down what happened to Rissa's Page and why Trish's and Gypsie's pages wouldn't load. One tiny " was missing in Rissa's.


Now to track down the missing stitch in the third row while I'm still wide awake.


  1. Sorry to be so much trouble. hehehe That is the trouble with HTML...everything means something and typos can ruin things. LOL

  2. Hope you find your lost stitch!

  3. Oh can they ever Rissa. I had you in my Favorites and could get to your page from there, but didn't re-check my tinkering here. Oh you are no trouble atall.. :)

    Karen I am on the trail this afternoon. Finishing up the watering in the Garden.

    Trust me trish, when a person starts tweaking their HTML, they learn a lot more than they ever wanted to about it. =o\ And you'll want to tinker after a bit. It's sort of fun.. well, sorta..

  4. Zippi~

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great to know we're not alone out here!

    In the Drumming Circle photo of Deb she had some little shaker, it does look like a spool and actually we thought it was made from one until we got a closer look, it's not - it just looks like it.

    Take care and happy knitting!!


  5. Thanks for stopping by gaiagal. I really dig your name, too. =0)

    I wondered about the wee shaker. It looked so cute and I thought it was cool in the drum circle. I hope you've gone back again and this time joined into the chat. My daughters love drum circles and one of them is learning to play her big drum.

    Happy Knitting to you, too!

    Karen I found it, that lost stitch! And am now racing along to row 5 today. Whoot!

  6. I think we have all had this problem at some stage, I know I have.

  7. Hi Sharon, so true. Losing Rissa was bad enough, but when my web page disappeared one day that was the worst thing I ever did. DH helped me find my booboo. I was trying to read things through the tears that day.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..