"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Monday, February 6, 2006

Let me tell you about Picassa

The sweater picture just might pop up twice but here's how to use Picassa.

First you must log into your blog. This sets up the button( the one on Picassa) to send pictures to the blog.

Then, Picassa will have you log in again after you get the picture in Picassa's tray, and caption it, and press THEIR Blog it button.

If it's not done that way, our picture, lovely caption, and efforts all disappear to Heaven only knows where, and then will suddenly appear -- sometimes-- later on the blog.

I hope you have enjoyed this wee tutorial. I love Picassa but it just is very unhappy about being asked to do things any other way than what is above.

About the picture, incase the first one with captions never shows up. The sweater is up to the third row, and it seems fitting that it should have three extra stitches with no home. I've read back on my row and see or count no mistakes or extra stitches so now is the time to frog back and start row three again. I have to say that the yarn, from Knitpicks, is holding up really well to my stitch wrangling.

The scanner is still not installed again in my cpu's brain and DH is off organizing yet another filing cabinet. I dare not disturb him. I'm looking through old zipdrive files in the hopes that some were already scanned and can be slapped in here in the twinkling of an eye. I'm prepared for disappointment.


  1. "Stitch wrangling" -- perfect description. Wouldn't you like to be able to do a little "Picasa wrangling" too? The sweater is very pretty so far!

  2. Thanks Jane and oh yes, I'd like to wrangle that Picassa, which I really do love, to be more transparent about it's little tricks. Using it along with Hello is nicer still because there isn't that big icon under the picture. When Picassa, owned by Google I think, first came out it wasn't very sophisticated and needed Hello. Now it's an option to upload to Hello and on over to Blogger.com. Being a techie wannabe, I've had my fun feeling like a REAL techie with just those two little programs :o) The web is so lovely for old brains.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..