"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

A closer look at the string

I'm just trying this out to see if it looks good or awful, or even awfully good.

I've got this burning question. Is the yarn supposed to trail through all of the hooks or just the ones on the right side of the flyer. Is it winding on badly because I'm not moving it enough, or because it's supposed to be going through all the hooks?

If I don't start getting some sleep I'll have to cut my hair or do something really radical. Purple Hair or a tatoo, maybe?

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  1. Poor Zippiana - get some sleep.
    If you can't avoid it, then choose the purple hair - it will wash out eventually. The tatoo might bother you a few years from now ;-D

  2. On a wheel like the Louet where you have all the flier hooks on the same face of the flier you work up one side of the flier moving the yarn along the hooks, you get to the top, you work down the other side. The more frequently you move the yarn along, the more evenly it winds. That`s why the Woolie Winder works so well.

    Also the chunkier the yarn, the more unevenly it winds.

    But it doesn`t really matter that much if it`s not perfectly even, you know. As long as the bumps of wond yarn aren`t so high as to topple over onto the top of the next and intefere with the unwinding while plying, you`ll be fine. And Louet bobbins are so big you don`t have to pack every last inch of yarn on that you can.

    Just keep spinning. It`s all looking great so far.

  3. It looks fine except for one big leap in the winding on, where it looks like maybe you moved the yarn from one hook to one a couple of hooks away. You just leave it in one hook until it starts to get big, then move it to the next hook, up and down until you've filled the bobbin. I have a Majacraft, which has only one "hook" on the flyer; you just slide it a bit when the yarn starts to build up in one spot.

  4. Thanks Karen, I will not get the tatoo. That's good advice =o) Purple hair just might be in my future. Why should kids have all the fun?

    Val, I had a feeling they had some use other than to be used to when the wheel went the other way in plying, as DH tentitively suggested. Things will be a lot smoother now. I've been having a fairly good time when some little hint clicks and something goes better than it did the day before. I should have started this 20 years ago when I first wanted the wheel. Thanks for all your advice and helps.

    Jessie, hi hi.. and thanks, too. One thing that has started to happen is that I'm getting a lot calmer, and my thumbs have stopped aching so much after just a few minutes. The death grip is giving way to a softer way of doing things. Not a minute too soon!

    I'll be in bed before 2 am tonight. Real progress here! =o)


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..