"Everyone can master a Grief but he who has it”
William Shakespeare
Greed is an incredibly contagious disease 🦠 And, it’s a shame when anyone catches it.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The tall bearded Iris are blooming!

I love these things. I'm not very good at meeting deadlines anymore but this is a wee peek at my garden. Maybe more later; you never know. Hee hee


  1. so purty -- I could take pictures of mud mud and more mud :D Of course poor Trish in rain starved AZ would enjoy seeing mud....

  2. Lovely color, your irises!
    Can't wait to have some flowers here as well.

  3. Mine, too, trish. Mother had the most beautiful bulb gardens when the three of us were growing up.

    Roses and the bulb plants, orchid cactus and real orchids used to fill my shade garden and all the sunny spots. They will again.

    Rho, we have a mud day today. Three days of rain. What a mess! It snowed at sea level where our daughters live which is so unheard of!

    Thanks Karen, it's a bi-color from a friend from several years ago. I envy you in that you can grow flowers that we can only get one or two seasons out of in SoCal, so be sure to take lovely photos for us? Your tulips are perfectly gorgeous.

  4. My flowers look just like that.

    In June. :-(

    Nice to see somebody getting some color!

  5. Iris have always been my mother's favorite flower, especially those old-fashioned bearded ones. She had some wherever her garden was! Thanks for sharing that beauty.

  6. It is just beautiful Zippi. :-)

  7. It's so good to see such beautiful flowers, if only on a photo for the time being, while we still have deepest winter over here - there's still hope for spring it seems!
    Best wishes from Austria!

  8. so pretty! :) the daffodils are just beginning to wake up over here :)

  9. I can't wait til the bi color yellow blooms. There may even be some peach colored survivors. The tallest purple Beardeds have always bloomed early. The rain spoiled the blossoms but there are more coming out still. I really want my garden back to it's former splendor. It's become pretty raggedy.

    Jessie, soon you will be having some flowers. We have to water the garden all winter except for February and March usually.

    Jane, my mother loved them too. All the iris families where in her flower beds.

    Jane,Rissa, Pugknits, Dipsy, and everyone, it's always a pleasure to share flowers. You will all be coming out of winter soon, too.

    If I get my wish, we will go out to the desert and gets some desert wildflower pictures to share here. A group from out rockhound club might be going in a few weeks.


I’m going through some stuff but I will peek in now and then and will be back when it’s over..